List of tags for lab 3:


<h1> </h1> First level heading

<h2> </h2>

Second level heading

<p> </p>


<em> </em>

emphasis (italics)

<strong> </strong>

strong (bold)

<br />

line break (notice the space between br and /)

<hr />

horizontal rule (notice that there is a space between br and /)

<ol> </ol>

ordered list

<ul> </ul>

unordered list

<li> </li>

list item
  The next three tags are used in the second part of the lab
<img src="" alt="" /> an embedded image. Must be inside a another pair of tags (for now, it may be easiest to just be sure it's inside of a paragraph)
<a href=""></a> page link
<a href="mailto: "></a> email link


NOTE: use lower case (not UPPER CASE)

For the version of HTML that we're using, the tags must use lower case letters or they won't be considered "valid" (something you'll learn about more later).

NOTE: paired tags versus stand-alone tags

Paired tags have an opening tag, for example <p>
and a closing tag, for example </p>

Stand-alone tags have a slash to close them right at the end of the tag, for example <br />. Notice the space between the tag and the slash.

For a complete list of HTML tags, go here

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