Lab 3: Editing your web site
Keywords: HTML, text editor , URL, UW web space, dante, HTML tags, header, body
You will be using the web to publish parts of your completed assignments
(homeworks, labs, and projects) throughout the quarter. Therefore, you must
know how to upload files to your web directory on dante. This will be a
useful skill throughout your college career, so take the time to learn how
to do it now.
You should have completed the objectives in the previous labs before doing this
lab. If you have trouble with logging on to the remote system dante, go
back and review the previous labs (Lab 1 and
Lab 2).
You should also have activated your student web publishing services in
Lab 1. This is a crucial step for this lab, so if you have not
activated it yet take the time to go back and do it now.
Locate your UW web space
For this part of the lab, you will need to know your UW NetID. This is the part
of your UW email address that is located before the '@' symbol, and is your
username for all things UW-related.
Go to
This is the page responsible for hosting each and every UW student's web page.
Type your UW NetID into the address bar of your browser right after
'', making sure not to leave any spaces between
the address and your NetID. The combination of these two forms the URL
(standing for Uniform Resource Locator, a fancy way of
saying 'address') for your UW student web space.
Press 'Enter'. You will be taken to your student web space. Chances are, there
is nothing here at the moment except for a placeholder page. But this will soon
Write down the URL for your student web space. You'll need it later.
Edit a web page in a text editor
HTML stands for "HyperText Markup Language",
and is the language of the World Wide Web. HTML documents are documents written using HTML formatting conventions. Most of the pages you view online are in HTML format.
HTML files are simply plain text files with HTML formatting. This means
that HTML documents can be edited in any application that can edit plain
text, from simple editors like Notepad to specialized applications like Macromedia
Dreamweaver. In this lab we'll use TextPad, a basic editor
that contains some helpful features. We recommend that you do not use
Microsoft Word or FrontPage to edit your HTML, as they can add special characters
to your HTML documents that will prevent them from working properly in all
web browsers.
All HTML documents consist of the same basic parts: a header
and a body. The header consists of
information about the page, or metadata (which literally means 'data
about data'), such as the page title, the author, and any JavaScript or CSS
that the page uses (we'll cover these later). The body contains all
of the actual content on the page, and is what most people think about when
they think of a web page.
In order to make an HTML document, text strings called tags are used. Tags are
pieces of HTML code that tell a web browser how to display a certain web page. Or
tell a search engine how to store a page. Or tell a browser what other files to
load. Tags are used for a great deal of things in HTML documents, and it is
helpful to think of them as the 'skeleton' of an HTML document, for without
them a web page would not function at all.
Next we'll use the text editor TextPad to build a simple HTML document. First, let's take a quick look at TextPad.
- Open the program TextPad from the Start menu. You should be able to find it by choosing 'All Programs' and looking through the menus there. TextPad is similar to Notepad, but contains some additional features that will help you write HTML documents.
- If it's not on already, you might want to turn on line numbering. Choose the item 'Line Numbers' from the 'View' menu. This places a line number beside every line, which may help you remember your place and find errors in your code.
We'll give you some example HTML to start with. Copy the HTML text in the box below and paste it into a new TextPad document.
<title>Hello world!</title>
<p>Hello world!</p>
The HTML code in this example contains tabs to show how certain tags are inside other tags. For example, the <head> and <body> tags are inside the <html> tag, and the body text is inside the <body> tag. It is not strictly necessary to use tabs in this way, but it helps to make the document easy to read. Once you begin working on larger HTML documents, you'll see the importance of making your documents readable.
Take a moment to look over the various tags in the document. Notice that each
tag has an opening and a closing tag to it (for example, <p> is closed by
the tag </p>), and that there are many different tags that come together
to make even a simple page like this. Here are a few of the tags on the page
and their meanings:
<html> -
This tag is used to tell the browser that the page is HTML, and it should
display the page just like it would any other HTML document.
<head> -
The tag that defines the "header" of the page.
The header is used to store information about the document, such as the title. Information in the header does not display in the browser window.
<title> -
This tag contains the title of the page (i.e. what you see in the top of your web browser).
<body> -
The body tag tells a web browser where the body of the page is, as explained
<p> - This tag tells the web browser that the text inside of a tag
is a paragraph.
In addition to these tags, there are other tags that tell the web browser how
to format text on the page, like in Microsoft Word. Here are a few examples of
these tags:
<b> - Makes a word bold.
<i> - Makes a word italic.
Like all of the other tags, these tags have both an opening tag and a closing
tag, and any text in the middle of the opening and closing tags will have that
tag applied to it.
For example, writing 'Hello <b>world</b>!' will print the word 'world' in bold.
- TextPad has a feature that highlights HTML tags in a different color than the text.
This is called syntax highlighting and makes the document easier to read.
To turn on syntax highlighting for your document, save the text you copied on the Desktop in a file named 'hello.html'. This lets TextPad know that the file is an HTML document, and should activate syntax highlighting.
Syntax highlighting can also be useful for finding errors in your HTML. One common mistake is to forget to include a closing HTML tag, or to miss one of the HTML tag brackets. Sometimes these errors cause the syntax coloring to change, which helps us find them. In the example below, the title tag is missing an opening bracket, '<'. This error is easy to see because it's changed the color of the HTML tag.
- Now we'll change the text of the HTML document. Find the text 'Hello world!' in between the <p> and </p>
Note that the title also says 'Hello World!', so be sure to pick the right one.
Replace the words 'Hello world' with 'Hello, my name is ', followed by your
Click on File > Save to save the modified HTML document (it's okay to write over the old one) The file extension '.html' indicates that the file is an HTML document.
Without closing TextPad, double-click the file on the Desktop to open it
in a web browser. Look the document over to make sure that your document is correct. If you made a mistake, just switch back to
TextPad, change the file around, save it, and hit the 'Reload' or 'Refresh'
button in your browser to see the changes.
Now that you know a little bit about tags, you can play around a bit with some
of the formatting tags. Practice making the text bold or italic.
Each time you make a change like this, it is a good idea to save the page and
then open it up in your web browser. That way if you make a mistake, you'll
know exactly what caused it instead of having to guess at it.
Congratulations! You have just edited your first HTML file! Now it's time to
put it on the web.
Downloading TextPad
You can download TextPad and use it on your home computer. To do so, visit the TextPad website at TextPad is commercial software, but you can download a fully-functional demo version on the web site.
TextPad does not run on Macintosh computers. A good text editor for the
Mac is TextWrangler, which is discussed in Homework 2.
Upload a web page to your UW web space
To upload and download your files to and from a remote computer, you must log in
to the remote computer. For this lab, you will use a program known as SSH Tectia File Transfer (or Secure FTP) to log in to dante. This is the same program that was used in
Lab 2 to upload and download files.
Log into your dante account the same way you did in
Lab 2.
Navigate to your 'public_html' directory in the file listing on the right-hand
side. The 'public_html' directory is where all of your web files are stored.
Files in this directory can be seen by anyone with an internet connection, so
be careful what you put here.
Remember to use the student_html directory if you have both public_html and student_html directories on dante.
Navigate to the 'fit100' folder that you created in Lab 2. If you do not have a
'fit100' folder, you should review Lab 2
to create one.
Create a new folder in your 'fit100' directory and name it 'lab3', then
navigate to this new directory.
The directory listing on the left side should show the files on your desktop.
If it does not, navigate there now.
Drag the file hello.html from the left side of the window to the right side (in your
'lab3' directory). There should be a brief delay as the file is transferred to
the remote machine.
The file is now available on the web! Go to the URL for your UW web space that
you discovered previously, and then add fit100/lab3/hello.html at the
end. Make sure to double check that your file has been uploaded correctly and is in the right place.
When you're finished, take a moment to look at the HTML source for this lab assignment by choosing 'View Source' (or something similar) from the browser menu. Many of the HTML tags in this document should be familiar to you by now.
I understand the keywords for this lab and can give examples of what they mean.
I know where my UW web space is located.
I know the basic structure of an HTML document.
I know how to edit HTML files.
I can upload files and documents so that they are available on the Web.
Turning in the assignment
This lab assignment must be turned in to your TA. When you are finished with the assignment, email your teaching assistant with a link to the
completed page on your UW web space in order to receive credit for this lab. Be sure to use the subject line 'lab 3'.