Hypertext Markup Language
HTML is the language of Web pages

Web Pages in HTML

HTML Structure
All HTML files use the same structure:

First HTML Web Page
This HTML produces this result

The Source
The HTML code producing a page is the source...which can always be viewed

HTML Must Be Text
Word processors (recall Chap. 2) insert formatting tags, confusing browsers
Create source in NotePad, etc.
Save in Text or txt format
Save with file extension .html

Illustrate the Process

Illustrate the Process

Add An Image
Images are encoded two ways:
GIF -- Graphics Interchange Format -- is for diagrams and simple drawings
JPEG -- Joint Photographic Experts Group -- is for high resolution photos, complex art
The encoding is given in the file extension
Image tags for placing images
<img src="writers.gif">

Illustrate the Process

Illustrate the Process

File Structure
The path must say how to reach the file
When the file is in the directory as the web page, just give the file name, ski.jpg
If the file is in a subdirectory, say how to navigate to it,  pix/ski.jpg
If the file is in a superdirectory, move up using dot-dot notation, ../ski.jpg



Web pages are written in HTML
The files must be text
The file extension must be .html
Tags enclose content like parentheses
Control look with attributes on tags
Use a change-and-test process
Images have two formats and explicit paths