This document summarizes FIT100 Lab 1. It lists all the steps that should be performed. Refer to the full text of the lab for explanations. --------------------- NOTEBOOK REQUIREMENTS --------------------- Before starting an assignment - or when continuing an assignment on another day: - start a new page or draw a horizontal line to separate from earlier notes - write your name, date, and assignment name (such as "Lab 1") Make notes when you are seriously confused or, conversely, discovered something significant: - devote a separate paragraph to each confusion or discovery - start the paragraph with an all-capital word CONFUSION or DISCOVERY (or likewise) as appropriate Your notebook is subject for inspection at any time during the lab. ------------------------ FLOPPY DISK REQUIREMENTS ------------------------ Floppy disk or other portable storage is NOT required for this lab. --------------------- STEPS TO BE COMPLETED --------------------- CREATING A FOLDER AND A TEST FILE ON YOUR LOCAL COMPUTER - open Windows Explorer and create a folder in the location that will be specified by the TA in class. The folder name must be EraseMe (capitalization IS important) If the folder already exists, remove it, along with all contents, before performing this step. - open Microsoft Word and create a new document containing a few words which will let you recognize it when you see it later - in Microsoft Word, save this document as test.doc in the EraseMe folder that you created earlier in this lab. WORKING WITH SECURE FTP - log in to your account on dante with Secure FTP - create a folder called FirstLab in your home directory on dante - copy the test.doc file that you created earlier to this FirstLab folder. Hint: you can drag-and-drop the file icon with mouse instead of using SFTP's menu for this step. - rename this FirstLab folder to FIT100 (do NOT use spaces in folder names on dante) - copy the test.doc from your renamed FIT100 folder to your local computer (e.g., to the desktop). Is this the same file that you created in Microsoft Word earlier? EXTRA: edit this newly copied file. Has the original test.doc changed? - create more folders in your account on dante: - inside the FIT100 folder, create folders Labs and Projects - inside the newly-created Projects folder, create folders: Project1, Project2, Project3, and Project4 AT THE END Be prepared to show your folders and your notebook to the TA at this or a subsequent lab. Be sure to log out from Secure FTP and then from your computer before you leave the lab.