FIT 100

LAB 4:  Enhancing Your Web Site

(Getting the jump on Project 1, part 2)

Spring 2002


Readings for Lab 4:

·         Chapter 4 of the FIT course pack

·         This page links to all the example pages for various tags:



Reference material:

·         Chapter 9 of the HTML For The World Wide Web

o        You aren’t expected to read this word for word-but you should be able to use the table of contents and index to find reference pages for what you need

·         W3 Schools

Click on the
HTML School link and use the menus provided on the left to find the reference you need



The purpose of this lab is for you to take all that you have learned about Web authoring and use it to jazz up your home page as well as give you practice for Project 1.


While there are a few minimum requirements that will need to be met, the important component of this lab is to be creative! In doing this assignment, don’t forget to use the Web as a source of inspiration.  Remember to use the resources available to you.  What you do for this lab will be valuable in making your web site of misinformation all the more authentic. 



  • To design and implement a Web page using HTML that appears authentic by evaluation criteria standards.


To Do:

Continue to add to your fit100.html file.


Minimum page requirements:

  1. Experiment with background color and texture, selecting something other than the default white (requires editing the BODY tag of a Web page).

A.     Change the background color of your page to your favorite color.  If you change the color to something dark, you may need to change the font color of your text to a lighter color.


B.      See if you can use an image as the background of your page.  Use the background attribute of the body tag. 
<body background="picfilename">


  1. Insert at least 3 links

A.     Place the URL’s of three of your favorite sites.


  1. Format sections of text to demonstrate different fonts, sizes, and colors.  Consider how the font, layout, language and design of the page can be used to enhance credibility. Use these fonts to distinguish between sections, titles, etc.


  2. Insert at least one image.


  1. Insert a table with at least 2 cells. This information is in Chapter 9 of the HTML book.  The cells of the table can contain text or images. You can also get help at:


Tables will be helpful for formatting content in your project.


  1. Use an image as a link to another page.


  1. Create an internal link that jumps to some other point on the page.  To do this you will create an in-page anchor.  (NOTE: If there is not enough text on the page so that a user has to scroll down, then the anchor tag will not do anything.) 

  2. When you have finished this page, show your TA. 

  3. Remember to log off the machine as you leave.