ANSWERS to Exercises:


1.         175  à adding 2 numbers

2.         25  àusing the mod operator

3.         DonaldDuck”  à concatenation of 2 strings

4.        Donald10”  à concatenation of 2 strings

5.         25  à multiply 2 numbers

6.         “1075” 
à concatenation of 2 strings

7.        Duck10”  à concatenation of 2 strings

 8.        175”  à concatenation of a string with a number makes the number a string for the operation

9.        TRUE  
àthe result of the value in b divided by the value in c is less than a

10.      TRUE
àa mod b leave 25 left over, which matches the number value in c

11.      TRUE à while c is not greater than a, b is less than a and only one of the expressions has to be true for the whole operation to be true using ||  (OR)

12.       FALSE à  H is a string value of “10” which is different than the number 10 stored in B