CSE100/INFO100 Fluency with Information Technology

Spring 2001



Twenty years ago, photographs were taken at face value.  A photograph could serve as evidence for what it pictured – that certain people or things had been in a particular place, together, at a particular time, doing particular activities.  Moreover, twenty years ago, well-established publishing houses – for books, research journals, government documents, and magazines – established criteria for validating and authenticating the materials they printed.  A publishing house imprint carried meaning about the level and rigor of review for the content – with some imprints conveying greater rigor (e.g., The MIT Press) than others (e.g., The National Inquirer).   In this world, while not perfect, one could to a reasonable degree assess at a glance the validity of the content.  That’s the upside.  The downside was the barriers to publication.  If your ideas were not “accepted” or “validated” by the various review boards, your options for publication and dissemination could be limited.  A case in point: Albert Einstein’s original paper on relativity was turned down by numerous scientific and mathematical journals. 

Enter the digital age and the World Wide Web.  This technology provides unprecedented opportunities for self-publishing and freedom of expression.  If Einstein was alive today, he could post his findings on relativity on a Web site and his ideas would instantly be available to billions of individuals across the globe.  That’s the upside.   But with unchecked self-publishing comes the downside of unvalidated content.  How is the typical user who down loads a page from the Web to distinguish between the careful considerations of a scientist like Einstein and those of an amateur science fiction writer?   Or if the user is looking for travel information or stock recommendations, or whatever you wish to fill in here, how is the user to know that information is current, accurate, and complete?  With the advent of digital images that can be easily manipulated (and as you will experience first hand in lab next week), even photographs that previously might have served as “supporting evidence” are called into question.

In such a world with tremendous possibilities for self-expression and challenges for assessing content, how are we to make discriminating judgments about the content we encounter?  What are the ethical limits on how content should be manipulated?  Project 1 is designed to help you engage with these questions as you embrace opportunities for your own self-expression online.

In this project, your challenge is to create a Web site of  “misinformation” that appears as authentic as possible to the user.   That is, while the content of your Web site will be questionable, everything else about your Web site should convey the opposite.   An overview of the project is a follows: (1) First, locate a digital photograph from an online or other source.  (2) Using Photoshop, modify that photograph in a subtle but significant way.  (3) Create some text to support your modified image.  (4) Put your text and image together on a Web site that appears as authentic as possible.  (5) Test your Web site with at least two individuals to see how successful you are at conveying the authenticity of your “fictional” content.


  1. To design and implement a Web site using HTML

  2.  To manipulate a photograph in Photoshop

  3.   To experience first hand the ease with which “misinformation” can be made available online

  4.  To become aware of and systematically explore the “cues” that users may use to assess the content of a Web site

  5.   To conduct user testing to evaluate your Web site

  6.   To reflect on the challenges for misinformation online

  7.   Ultimately, to become an appropriately cautious user of online information

Copyright and Fair Use of Text and Images

Images and other files and content on the Internet are protected in the same way as print materials and photographs.  Use of digital images for purposes of alteration and display on the Internet has limited coverage under the conditions of fair use [].

Public Domain [] items are those in which the copyright has been lost, has expired, or the author of the work makes no copyright claims to reproductions or enhancements of the work.

If you use an image of a person for reasons of making a profit, you are responsible for obtaining permission from the person or their heirs.  If you use a trademark image, you must also get permission.

Copyright in websites:  []

Please Recall the Class Policy on Cooperation and Collaboration

It is valuable to work with a friend or classmate when learning a new application or working out a problem. However, the work that you perform in FIT100 for a grade must be your own work unless "working in groups" is explicitly allowed. How can you work with a friend and still create your "own" web page or program or project?  In FIT100 we will use the following rule, known as the Gilligan's Island Rule: To work with a friend on creating a program or other artifact, you must work away from the lab, say at a white board or using paper and pencil at a café.  (This is a good idea even if working by yourself, since few of us are good at creating the strategy and basic structure of programs or web pages at the PC.)  When you are finished you cannot take away any document from the meeting -- no notes, no tattoos, no white board. Then, before going to the lab to work on your assignment, spend at least 1/2 hour in mindless activity. Watching a sitcom on TV is a good example, and Gilligan's Island, a 1960s vintage sitcom is as mindless as they come. But, any activity that diverts your attention from the artifact works. Later, work in the lab on your own. The solution you create should be based on what is inside your own head, and that is the goal of the rule.

Part I: Due Friday, April 13, 12 PM Noon

You may choose any content area for your Web site as long as it is in good taste and permits comfortable viewing by everyone in the course.  If you’re unsure about the “tastefulness” of a particular content, it is probably a good idea to choose something else.  Here are some possible ideas:

Lab 4 provides some suggestions for searching for public domain images online.

What to do:

  1. Using the Web searching skills you developed in Lab 4, find an image in the public domain and note the source of your image.
  2. Decide how you will modify the image and use it in a Web site of misinformation.  Write two paragraphs about your image.
    1. Paragraph 1 should describe the “true” context of the image.
    2. Paragraph 2 should describe the “fictional” context of your image once it is modified.  (Note: You do not need to modify the image until Part II.)
  3. Using the HTML skills you developed in Lab 3, create the beginning of your Web site of misinformation.  At a minimum, your Web site should contain:
    1. Title for your Web Site (clearly identifying it as a Web site of misinformation) and including a copy of the “bogus logo” found on the electronic version of this document on the class Web site (see the top of the project description).
    2. The unmodified image.
    3. A statement that this image is in the public domain and the source for this image.
    4. A paragraph describing the “true” context of the image (some version of paragraph 1 above).
    5. A description of how you intend to modify the image.
    6. A paragraph describing the “fictional” context of your image (some version of paragraph 2 above).
    7. Links to 3 other sites what will help to authenticate your Web site of misinformation.

Grading criterion:

  1. A Web site containing items a – g.

Part II: Due Friday, April 20, 12 PM Noon

What to do:

  1.    Using the Photoshop skills you learned in Lab 6, modify the image as describe in Part 1.]

  2.    On your Web site of misinformation, replace the original image with the modified one.  In addition, remove the text describing the “true” context of the image.

  3. Using the advanced HTML skills you developed in Lab 7, continue to refine your Web site of misinformation as follows:

    1.  Write a second paragraph continuing to reinforce the authenticity of your modified image.  Edit your text to increase the “credibility” of the site.

    2.   Reflect on how you evaluate a Web site and include some of those features in your Web site.  For example, consider how you can use fonts, colors, spelling and grammar, presentation, textual content, and vocabulary to further enhance the “credibility” of your image.

    3. Add a mailto link to your email address.

  4.        Create a separate Web page in which you reflect on the problem of misinformation.

    1.   Provides a disclaimer for the quality of information on your misinformation Web site.

    2.   Provide a discussion of the ethical issues concerned with conveying the accuracy, completeness and validity of the information you are presenting.

    3.    Create a link from your Web site of misinformation to this page; and a link from this page back to your Web site of misinformation.

  5.    How effective is your Web site of misinformation?

  1.   Create a copy of your Web site.  On this copy, remove the misinformation title, the “bogus” logo, and the link to the disclaimer page.  That way, this page will not have any “hints” about the misinformation. 

  2.   Show this version of your Web site to 2 individuals.  Have each person rate your Web site according to the evaluation criteria – of source, currency, verifiability, and so forth –   you used in Lab.

  3.  Report your results    

  4. Write a paragraph discussing how effective your Web site was at establishing the credibility of misinformation.   Add this material to your disclaimer Web page.

Grading Criteria:

  1. A Web site containing the HTML elements described above.
  2. The quality of your modified image.
  3. The persuasiveness and coherence of your misinformation (at least 3 means to enhance the authenticity of your Web site should be used).
  4. The thoughtfulness of your discussion on the disclaimer page.


How to Turn in Your Project…

To turn in each part of your project, do the following:

  1. Print out the HTML code used for the page (print the Notepad file)
  2. Print out the page as it appears in a browser.
  3. Write or type at the top of your paper:
    1. Name
    2. Section Number
    3. Project Number
    4. Email Address
    5. Student ID
    6. URL of your website of Misinformation
  4. Staple all sheets together.

Turn in the paper copy to Dowell in the reception area of the Information School on the 3rd floor of Mary Gates Hall no later than 12 PM, noon, on the due date.  Paper copies will be picked up at that time and no others will be accepted.