Quiz 3


1. What is an infinite loop?


-A Loop whose stop condition is always true


-A Loop that has a bad stop condition and thus never ends


 2. What will the following Visual Basic code print?


Dim x As Integer


If x=1 Then

                   Print “pizza”

ElseIf x=2 Then

                   Print “hamburger”               sushi

Else                                           chocolate cake

                   Print “sushi”

End If

Print “chocolate cake”




3. When the following Visual Basic code is run, how many times will “Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny” be printed out?


Dim x As Integer

x = 0                                                                      5 times

Do While x < 10

                   Print “Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny”

                   x = x + 2




4. Look at the following code. After this code is run, what will the values of i, j, and k be?


Dim Option Explicit

Dim i as Integer, j as Integer, k As Integer


Private Sub add (x as Integer, y As Integer, r as Integer)

                   r = x + y

End Sub


Private Sub Form_Load()

i = 0                                          i = 6

j = 0                                          j = 3

k = 0                                         k = 3 

Call add (3, i, j)

Call add (i, j, k)

Call add (j, k, i)

End Sub


5.  In Visual Basic, what does Rnd do?


            Generates a pseudo-random decimal number between 0 and 1, not including 0 or 1