1. What are the steps in the Fetch/Execute Cycle?  Write them out, do not use abbreviations.
    IF        Instruction Fetch

ID        Instruction Decode
DF       Data Fetch

            IE        Instruction Execution

            RR        Return Result


  1. Give 2 reasons why we declare a variable as a certain type in programming languages.


-Tells computer how much memory to allot for values that will be stored there

-Tells computer what type of value to allow or expect and helps computer and programmer to avoid errors in computation



  1. Draw a picture on the right of the HTML code that accurately shows what it would look like in a browser.











<table border="1">

















  1. In class we acted out the program below as an example of the Fetch-Execute cycle:

                             Envelope 1:     ASK 15

                                    Envelope 2:     ASK 13

                                    Envelope 3:     ADD 15 13 10

                                    Envelope 4:     SAY 10

                                    Envelope 5:     NEXT 1


What did the student asking for numbers from the audience represent?



            -input/output mechanism



  1. Look at the following code.  After the last line of code has been executed, what are the values of dog, cat and bird?



Dim dog As Integer

Dim cat As Integer

Dim bird As Integer


dog = 0

cat = dog

bird = cat


dog = 0

cat = 0

bird = 0