QUIZ 1  Autumn 2001



1.      Identify 3 errors in the following HTML and say why they are errors.  Only identify 3!  



<head><titl> My Web Page</title>                               Title tag misspelled

</head>                                                           Need an end head tag

<body> <h1>Welcome to my hobby site!</h1>          Need to complete tag with bracket         

<p>Here is an image of my dog: <br>

<img src=“my dog”> <br>                                     Image file needs the proper extension

(.gif or .jpg, etc.)

and a link to my favorite web page:

<a href= “students.washington.edu/gbwhit23”>   When using a separate URL in the

anchor tag, needs to be complete

(absolute) with http://…..


Grace’s site<a/>                                                             Anchor tag isn’t properly closed.

Should be: </a>

<body>                                                                            Both tags should be closed



2.      Explain the concept of TCP/IP.  How does it work?


A sample answer:

          TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.  It is the language that

allows all the computers networked on the Internet to send information.  Files, email,

pictures, etc. are broken down into uniform sized packets, sequenced, and sent to the destination noted in the packet by the IP address.  When the packets reach their destination they are reassembled in order by the receiving computer and placed/sent in the proper folder/email box/location etc.  Packets take the fastest route to their destination and not all packets travel the same route.




TCP/IP is a protocol (communication language) used by the Internet to send information.  An analogy is that it is like sending a novel by post card from Tahiti to New York.  The post cards are all addressed, sequenced and contain a fixed amount of information.  They may be sent by any route to New York.  When they arrive they are put in order by the publisher (i.e. the receiving computer)



3.      True or False?  Circle one option for each line.

T        F is a logical Internet address.

T        F        dante.u.washington.edu is a physical IP address

T        F        A byte consists of 10 bits




4.      When you do a search in Google, the search engine, are you searching the entire web?  Explain.



A sample answer:

     No, when you do a search in Google your search is actually being run by the query

processor against the database of sites that have already been crawled and indexed by the

crawler programs known as “spiders” or “robots” or “crawlers”.  No search engine

searches the entire web, only the portion of it they have already indexed and stored in their




  1. Suppose you have a file named test.doc at the top level of your C drive.  The absolute path to that file would then be C:\test.doc.  Now suppose that you have another file named paper.doc.  It’s in a folder called Papers which is in a folder called English101 which sits inside of My Documents on the C drive.  What is the absolute path to get to paper.doc?


C:\My Documents\English101\Papers\paper.doc