But Is It Art?"
The project is to create a VB6 program that
is graphically interesting. The purpose of this project is to acquire
additional experience with writing procedures in VB6.0, especially procedures
with parameters. You will be expected
to write procedures with the following characteristics:
Unlike Project 1 where the guess procedure referred to global variables, only
event-handlers are allowed to use global variables in this project. Further, to
acquire experience with other features of VB6.0, you should try to use at least
one Do While loop. These will be the primary basis for grading the
assignment, but they will probably be a natural outcome of your programming
effort. (A small exception to the
global variable requirement: if you are using some of the advanced graphical
techniques involving picture boxes on your form, any procedure can reference
those picture boxes.)
For Part 1 of the project, your program just
needs to satisfy the above requirements regarding the procedures and global
variables. (In other words, we’re just
concerned with the mechanics of the program at this point.) For Part 2, we’ll also grade on aesthetics (“does it look good to your TA?”)
and on coding originality.
The question that will be explored by this
project is, "Can VB6.0 be used ‘artistically’?" Naturally, art is
usually a matter of opinion, and in this case the opinion that matters is
yours. What is the most artistic or aesthetic way in which you can use the
graphic and computational facilities of VB6.0? Of course, Visual Basic 6.0 was
not designed as a graphics package, or even intended for use in any serious
graphics applications. But with a little imagination, almost any general
purpose programming facility can be used to do interesting things graphically.
Our goal is not to push the limits of graphics; we want to push the limits of
VB6.0. What can you think of? How creative can you be?
As an added incentive to being as ingenious
as possible, we will have an in class display of some of the better designs (in
the opinion of the staff) and award prize(s) for the best.
Suggestions: One way to apply graphics is simply to produce a
pleasing or clever picture. Or try making an electronic greeting card! Motion
or action in which the image develops dynamically on the screen can lead to
interesting results. Also, remember that motion
can be produced by changing colors, as well as by moving shapes around.
Project Design: Plan on constructing two separate designs, the first
to be graded at an intermediate point (see due dates), and one as your final
submission. (The second can be an embellishment of the first, or it can be
entirely different.) The best strategy is to accomplish the requirements (first
paragraph) on the first design, and concentrate on aesthetics exclusively on
the second design. (But if you end up
not liking the first version at all, you can throw it out and do something
When a project begins executing, it should
show an empty form to the user. The user then clicks on the form, causing the
image to be drawn. You don’t need to
use controls extensively. All of the graphics will be produced by program code,
written by you as procedures. If the image is just produced when the user
clicks on the form, the focus of your programming efforts would start with the Form_Click() event handler. The window can be closed to terminate
its execution, i.e. you do not need to stop it explicitly.
In developing this program, you should
emphasize writing procedures. (One could easily imagine writing a dozen small
procedures for this project.) First of all, writing procedures is the purpose
of the project. Secondly, and more importantly, procedures allow you to
organize the development, encapsulating effects that you can then compose into
more complex images. Accordingly, the Form_Click()
event procedure should not be a very long piece of code, but rather it should
merely orchestrate the calling of procedures that do the work, probably by
calling other procedures.
So, that’s it: The project is to create a VB6
program that is graphically interesting. What you will program is up to you
100%. This may seem daunting, so an easy way to get started is to experiment
with some of the different effects as suggested below to see what is possible.
Resources: As noted above, VB6.0 is not a graphics programming
system, but there are many things that can be done with the basic primitives
that it supplies. Chapter 10 of the Visual
Basic 6.0 book discusses graphics.
Using this information it is possible to find quite a bit of useful
information there that is explained well. See the examples below, and also the
material in Lectures 15 and 16.
In an effort to provide some useful raw
material for creating interesting images, consider the following resources.
Form1.WindowState = 2
After this, ScaleWidth and ScaleHeight will be huge.
Find out by running this version of the Form_Click()
procedure from a normal size window:
Private Sub Form_Click()
MsgBox "The initial size is " & ScaleWidth &
" x " & ScaleHeight
Form1.WindowState = 2
MsgBox "The new size is " & ScaleWidth & "
x " & ScaleHeight
End Sub
= RGB(221,31,203)
which turns the
background to "Husky purple". Of course, it is possible to change
these values dynamically.
= RGB(_,_,_) ‘ Say what color is inside
the rectangle
(boxLeft, boxTop) – (boxLeft + boxWidth, boxTop +
where you must put everything
after the first line on a single line in your program. Also, fill in the blank
R-G-B values with numbers or variable values from 0 through 255. Remember the
key points about this call, namely the facts that you are specifying two
corners of a rectangle, the "—" is
required between the two corners, and the "B,"
which means "box," is required. If you don’t put in the second RGB() call shown, then the line around the rectangle is
Drawing a circle is
even easier:
= RGB(_,_,_)
(centerLeft, centerTop), radius, RGB(_,_,_)
where, if the RGB() is omitted, the line around the circle is black. Of
course, (centerLeft,
centerTop) is the center point of the
circle, and radius is the radius.
This can be called a
splatter painting. I used it in the following procedure to get the effect
Sub Form_Click()
count As Integer ‘ define an
iteration variable
nXCoord As Integer, nYCoord As Integer
nRed As Integer, nGreen As Integer, nBlue As Integer
' Set up random number generator
= 0
While count < 10000
count = count + 1
= Int(Rnd(1) * Form1.ScaleWidth)
= Int(Rnd(1) * Form1.ScaleHeight)
= Int(Rnd(1) * 255)
= Int(Rnd(1) * 255)
= Int(Rnd(1) * 255)
(nXCoord, nYCoord), RGB(nRed, nGreen, nBlue)
The form starts out with
a white background, and the words "Hi, Mom!" written with a label. It
enters a loop in which it generates on each cycle a random x,y coordinate and a
random color as an RGB triple, and sets the pixel at that position to that
The loop goes through
10,000 iterations. It is not possible to go through more than 32,767 using a
standard Integer. So, to do more iterations of splattering, you will
need to enclose the basic loop shown in another, outer loop.
A key idea in this
example is random numbers. Computers cannot generate true random numbers,
because they follow instructions faithfully. But, they can generate number
sequences that "look" random and that can be verified scientifically
to have the same properties as random numbers. To use random numbers, you need
to do two things: First, you must put the Randomize
command at the start of your program so the computer sets up the randomization.
Second, when you want a random number, just write the function Rnd(1). The result is a random number between 0 and 1. So,
the procedure above finds a random color value between 0 and 255 by the code
Suppose the random
number from Rnd(1) was 0.5 (which doesn’t seem too random, I suppose!),
then the product would yield 127.5 Since this must be converted into a whole
number, the Int function is applied to the result to throw away the
fractional digits, giving 127.
The splatters will
normally cover the form, including the letters. This looks kind of dumb, so the
way to avoid this (on black letters) is to change the form’s drawing technique DrawMode to 9, Mask Pen. The DrawModes
give different affects, and you might want to experiment with them.
tickTime As Integer, yDim As Integer
so that it is global
to the timer routine. Next, initialize the tickTime
variable in the Form_Load() event procedure
Sub Form_Load()
= 0
Finally, write some code to draw on each time
Sub tmrMyClock_Timer()
= 0 ‘Set style
to opaque
= RGB(221, 31, 203) ‘Husky purple
tickTime * 200 > ScaleWidth Then
= yDim + 200
= 0
(200 + tickTime * 200, yDim)-(400 + tickTime * 200, yDim + 200), RGB(221, 31,
203), B
= tickTime + 1
Remember the line
drawing command must be on a single line. Then, whenever the timer goes off,
the box is drawn in the next position. Run it. Nothing happen? Did you set the Interval on the timer? Experiment with different
"speeds", smaller numbers make the timer go off more frequently,
speeding up the image drawn. How does it stop from running off the form?