Graphics, Animation, and Randomization continued
Some additional techniques for programming graphics and animation, along with some new programming language concepts.  This material is optional – you don’t need it to complete Project 2, or for the exams.

Information to be presented
Techniques for :
Drawing geometric figures
Objects that follow the mouse
Small ideas:
Using trigonometry in programming graphical layout
Named constants
for loops (another construct for iteration)
Mouse move events & dragging
Double buffering
Big idea:
Object-oriented programming

Sample Code
You can download the sample code for today from the “Example Code” link on the CSE/IMT 100 web page.  All the code is in a zip file; ProjectSquiral is also available separately.
Sample files:
ProjectSquiral – interactive squirals
ProjectBlackSquiral – nicer colors, full screen
ProjectDrag – dragging an object
ProjectAnimate – very simple animation
ProjectBufferedSqural – illustrates double buffering

Named Constants
In programming we often need to use various constants, e.g. RGB combinations, the number of steps to take in a squiral, etc.
It is good programming practice to give names to these, rather than embedding the constants in your code.
Putting them at the beginning of your code makes it easier to find and change them.
If you use the constant in several places and want to change it, there’s just one place to change.

How to write named constants
VB has various constants already built in.  Examples:
vbRed, vbBlack, vbBlue, etc: colors
vbLeftButton: code for left mouse button pushed (an integer)
Declaring your own:

Following the mouse
Recall that VB, like most other modern environments for building graphical user interfaces, uses an event model.
For example, we generate an event (and call an appropriate procedure) whenever the user clicks on a button.
Whenever the mouse moves, VB generates a “mouse move event”

You can do simple animations using the timer control.  On each call to the Timer procedure, erase the form and draw the new figure.

Double Buffering
If you are doing a complex animation, it will take VB a bit of time to do the drawing.
Problem: flicker
Solution: double buffering
Draw the figure in a different picture that is not visible
Copy the result into the visible picture