Thinking Through A Program
For a program to compute the desired result it must proceed through a series of logical steps, transforming the inputs into outputs. Figuring out what those logical steps should be is the task of the programmer.

Project 1 For FIT100
Projects are multipart tasks that span a couple of weeks in which a significant computation is developed.

Sign Finder
Sign Finder accepts the day and month of a person’s birth and returns the person’s Zodiac sign
In formulating the logic of the computation, specify the inputs and outputs first
Input: A month and a day
Output: The name of the Zodiac sign

Sign Finder Desiderata
The radio buttons and the text box of the GUI are the means of presenting input
The computation takes place when the OK is clicked
Since clicking a radio button, entering the text box and clicking the OK command button are “events”, the program can be developed by considering what computation is needed in response to each event
Month Radio Button -- set up the data for that month
Day Value Entry -- save the data for later
OK Command Button -- Determine the sign and print it
How is the sign determined from the month and day?

Consider The Signs
Notice that a person born in a given month could have one of two signs, depending on the day of birth
A July birthday
could be either
Cancer or Leo
Every month is
similar: There
are two signs

On The Selection Of A Month ...
When a month is chosen, remember the two signs that apply and the day when they change … when the birth day is chosen it is possible to pick the sign

On The Specification Of The Day ...
The day is simply a number that is typed in
It should be saved in a variable for later use

On Clicking On OK
With the month chosen and the day chosen, it is possible to figure out the sign
If the day is on the midpt or before, it’s the earlier sign
If the day is after the midpt, it’s the later sign

Having Brained Out The Logic ...
The following steps achieve the result
Create the GUI
Declare the four variables
loSign, a string
hiSign, a string
midpt, an integer
dayPick, an integer
Set loSign, hiSign and midpt in radio buttons
Set dayPick to the text input
For the OK click event, incorporate the If-statement and set the visibility of the two labels