Programming Basics
To specify algorithms, we must be precise. To be precise, we need a language that is more exact than English.  A programming language offers this advantage.  All programming languages have a basic set of features.

Recapping Alphabetize CDs
Alphabetize CDs illustrates an intuitively understandable process not involving a computer
The Alphabetize CDs program demonstrated several features of algorithms and programs …
The program illustrated the 5 properties of algorithms -- input and output specs, definiteness, effectiveness, finiteness
In order to reference the different slots, we used two “pointers” called Alpha and Bet
Alpha referenced all slots but the last, and for each slot Alpha referenced, Bet referenced each slot to its right
Can you “visualize” Alphabetize CDs’ processing strategy?

An Approach To Programming
Though Alphabetize CDs was precise enough for a person to execute successfully, computers demand greater precision from programs
The plan …
Adopt a better notation than English to express algorithms
General ideas are given in lecture
VB6 will be used in lecture and lab
Discuss standard ways of using a programming language
Practice the ideas by writing programs
Add a few more language features and describe their use
Practice with a few more programs

In normal language, names are (usually) tightly fixed to their values --
“penny” means 1 cent … it doesn’t change its meaning, and sometimes refer to $8.41 or a time zone or an action
In computing names can change values
Example: Alpha and Bet in Alphabetize CDs changed
Names must change values in a program because programs specify a transformation of input into output … as the transformation proceeds the things named change values
variable is the term for program names that can change value

On Variable Names
The term “variable” reminds us the value can change
The names used for variables are arbitrary, provided:
Variable names must begin with a letter
Variable names can contain any letter, numeral or _
Variable names should be meaningful and accurate
total, averageOverClass, average_over_class
but not o0OO0o, bet.  Also (for now) not i, n, x, etc.
Most languages are case sensitive:   a ¹ A

On Variable Values
A variable can be thought of as a “named container”

Variables name computer memory locations, so the value of a variable is the quantity stored in its memory
Variables can take on different types of values
Whole numbers or integers: 2, -9, 1048576
Character sequences or strings: “2”, “&^%$#@”, “ ”
Floating point numbers or doubles: 2.0, 3.14159, -999.99 (numbers that can have some digits after the decimal point)
A variable’s values have a specific type
Variables are declared and their type is specified
Dim averageOverClass As Double

Computers must be told what value to assign to variables, using an assignment statement such as
averageOverClass = 21.14
mayor = “Paul Schell”
The general form of an assignment statement is
<variable name> <assignment symbol> <expression>
Languages use different assignment symbols:    = :=   ¬
Read assignment as “is assigned”, or “becomes” or “gets”
All three components must always be present
Fundamental property of assignment
The “flow” of information is always right-to-left
destination = source
changedVariable = value

Expressions are formulae made from variables and operators, e.g. calculator operations: +, -, *, /, ^
weeks = days / 7 divide value of days by 7
grossPay = hours * rate multiply the two values
area = pi * radius ^ 2 p times radius squared
In the last example, the ^ operator has precedence over the * operator.
We could also write
area = pi * (radius ^ 2)
When in doubt, use extra parentheses in expressions!  It’s always safe.
See the Snyder text for more about precedence, and page 77 of the VB book for a complete table of operator precedence in VB.

Mini-Exercise #1
Suppose you have a variable that represents the total amount of a loan.  What is a good name for this variable?
Suppose the computer executes the following statements. What is the value of total at the end?
     x = 1
     total = x+3
What is the value of squid after executing these statements?
     clam = 1
     squid = 4 + 2*clam

Mini-Exercise #1 -- Answers
Suppose you have a variable that represents the total amount of a loan.  What is a good name for this variable?
     loanAmount or loan_amount
Suppose the computer executes the following statements. What is the value of total at the end?
     x = 1
     total = x + 3
total is 4
What is the value of squid after executing these statements?
     clam = 1
     squid = 4 + 2*clam
squid is 6

Fundamental Rule of Assignment
Fundamental rule of assignment
The expression is evaluated before the assignment is made
score = score + 3
shotClock = shotClock - 1

Mini-Exercise #2
Suppose the computer executes the following statements. What is the value of total at the end?
     total = 1
     total = total + 5
     x = 0
     x = x+4
     x = x*2

Mini-Exercise #2 -- Answers
Suppose the computer executes the following statements. What is the value of total at the end?
     total = 1
     total = total + 5
total is 6
     x = 0
     x = x+4
     x = x*2
x is 8

Most programming languages have more operators than a pocket calculator
Operators like + taking 2 operands are called binary:  a + b
Operators like -  taking 1 operand are called unary:  - a
A very useful operator is concatenate, & in VB6, which connects two strings together:
plural = “dog” & “s”
The relational operators are:
a < b   less than          a > b   greater than
a <= b less than or equal to a >= b greater than or equal
a = b equal to          a <> b not equal

Programs must frequently test if some condition holds, e.g. are two CDs in alphabetical order
Conditional statements have been invented to make tests
If temp < 32 Then waterState = “frozen”
General form of basic conditional:
If <T/F expression> Then <assignment statement>
The meaning is that the <T/F expression> is evaluated
If the outcome is true, then the assignment statement is performed
If the outcome is false, then the assignment statement is skipped

More Complex Conditionals
The basic conditional is too limited, so generalize it
General form of an If-statement
If <T/F expression> Then
<statement list>
End If
If temp >= 212 Then
state = “gaseous”
form = “steam”
End If

General Conditional Statement
When operations must be performed for the true outcome and different operations are need for a false outcome, use the If-Then-Else statement
General form
If <T/F expression> Then
<statement list>
<statement list>
End If

Example of If-Then-Else
An advantage of the general conditional is that the statement lists can contain other conditionals

Mini-Exercise #3
Suppose the computer executes the following statements. What is the value of total at the end?
     total = 1
     total = total + 5
     if total > 8 then
        total = 0
        total = 10
     end if

Mini-Exercise #3 -- Answer
Suppose the computer executes the following statements. What is the value of total at the end?
     total = 1
     total = total + 5
     if total > 8 then
        total = 0
        total = 10
     end if

total is 10