Computer Basics
 Electronic computers have changed dramatically over their 50 history, but a few basic principles characterize all computers

Abstractly, A Computer Is ...
Computers process information by deterministically following (executing) instructions
Unlike humans, computers follow instructions exactly
Computers have no imagination or creativity
Computers have no intuition
Computers are literal, with no sense of irony, subtlety, proportion, …
Computers don’t joke, they’re not vindictive or cruel
Computers are not purposeful
… computers only execute instructions

Interpreting Instructions
To perform instructions, computers use a process known as the fetch/execute cycle implemented in their hardware
The F/E Cycle is an unending process, hence the red arrow

An Analogy ...
At the Nenana Ice Classic, where people pay $2 to guess when the ice will break up on the Tananah River, someone processes the guesses

Anatomy Of A Computer
A computer is composed five components …
Arithmetic/Logic Unit (ALU) -- the part that “computes”, e.g. +
Control -- the part that follows the Fetch/Execute Cycle of the program and tells the ALU what to compute
Memory -- where data, programs are kept while computing
Input -- ports to peripheral devices from which data comes
Output -- ports to peripheral devices to which data goes

The memory is passive, storing programs and data
Memory is called RAM for “random access memory” because the control can access any random location in the memory
RAM is volatile, meaning it disappears when the power is turned off … how does the computer remember the date?
For the control to execute (run) a program, it must be stored in the RAM. So, one operating system duty is to move programs & data from the disk to the RAM

Control Rules!
The control follows instructions, telling the other parts what to do
The instructions come from the program stored in the memory
Programmers write the instructions (programs) using languages (C, C++, Java, etc.) that are way too complicated for the control to follow … so the programs are translated into a simpler form called machine language that the control can understand. A typical machine instruction is
add 884, 1004, 6618
which means “add the number in memory location 884 to the number in memory location 1004, and put the result in memory location 6618”

Following Instructions
The control keeps track of where it is in the program using a program counter or PC … a better name would be “instruction pointer”
The control also fetches data and returns results to the memory

The PC’s PC
After the instruction has been fetched from memory, the PC is incremented to refer to the next instruction in sequence
This scheme should cause the computer to “run” through memory executing all instructions once and “fall off the end of memory”
Computers have machine instructions to branch and jump, i.e. go to some instruction other than the next
Jump and Branch change the PC after increment
Programs generally repeat many instructions

Emphasis ...
The instruction add 884, 1004, 6618
Does not add 884 and 1004 together -- we can figure that out with a calculator … it adds whatever numbers are stored in those memory locations
Different numbers in those locations produce different results

The Numbers, Please
A computer memory location can store a byte of information (8 bits), enough for a keyboard character
A “normal” whole number (integer) uses 4 bytes
A machine instruction uses 4 bytes
Units of memory size are …
KB, kilobyte, 1024 bytes … just over a thousand bytes, a “K”
MB, megabyte, 1,048,576 bytes … just over a million bytes, a “meg”
GB, gigabyte, 1,073,741,824 bytes … just over a billion bytes, a “gig”
TB, terabyte, 1,099,511,627,776 bytes … just over a trillion bytes

Strange Numbers
Why do computers use such strange numbers???
These numbers are powers of 2
210 = 1,024 call it a thousand
220 = 1,048,576 call it a million
230 = 1,073,741,824 call it a billion
240 = 1,099,511,627,776 call it a trillion
When you buy a megabyte of memory you get 48,576 bytes for free!

The Pace Of Computing
Think of the clock rate of a computer as the rate it executes instructions, that is, how many Fetch/Execute cycles it can complete in a second (modern computers are very complex and can complete more than one instruction per cycle)
hertz measures “cycles per second”
100MHz, specifies “100 million cycles per second”

Computers deterministically execute instructions to process information
Computers have five parts: ALU, Control, Memory, Input and Output
The control implements a process called the Fetch/Execute Cycle
The fetch/execute cycle is a fundamental method of deterministically performing operations, and the idea is used many places in computation …
The computer is an electronic fetch/execute cycle, ie, hardware
All other F/E cycles are implemented as programs, ie, software