Networking At UW, The Internet And Beyond
Various computers will be used in this class, so a quick introduction to their arrangement and networking is useful.  Along the way we answer the pressing question:  What is the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web

Accomplishments To Date …
You have a UWNetID that gives you access to the UW’s computers, but also access to the World Wide Web … your account is on Dante
You have sent email, set up folders, set up an address book
You have visited home pages for UW, CSE100, other sites
You have tried out a search engine
Other things you should find out about …
Printing is possible for most computer applications … how do you use the printers at OUGL or MGH labs?
In Pine, it is possible to “postpone” a mail message that you are writing -- that is, set it aside to use Pine in other ways and then return to it.  Try out “postpone” in your next mail.

Computers of the Realm...
We will discuss how computers really work later, but for now think of them as having many forms
Embedded -- processor, ROM, channels to sensor/actuators; m-wave oven
Laptop -- processor, RAM, floppy disk, hard disk, LCD; mobility
Desk Top -- processor, RAM, floppy, hard disk, CD, monitor; educational and office work
Server -- processors (4-32), RAM, many hard disks, CD; services
Supercomputer -- processors (16-1K), RAM, hard disks; big science

Class Computers
FIT100 uses
Laptop for lectures
Desktop in Collabs, OUGL, MGH
Dante server
An unconnected computer can only access the data stored locally on its hard disk, run the software stored locally, read and write floppy disks, etc.
The UW computers are connected, i.e. networked, together allowing us to send email and access the World Wide Web

Networks ...
Networks connect computers, making them much more useful because
Access more information and software
Help users communicate, share information
Perform services for one another
UW’s networks ship ~1/2 trillion bytes of data per day
Half this information goes to or comes from the Internet
How are these networks arranged?

Ethernet … It’s Like Conversation
Think of a dozen students sitting around the dorm telling stories …
Everyone listens while one person tells his/her story
When the story is finished, there is a pause
A person with a story to tell starts talking, listening all the while
If no one else started talking too, the person continues
If others started talking, he/she stops and waits briefly before trying again
In Ethernet, only the computers actually communicating listen to the transmission … the others simply wait for the break

UW Networks Connect To Internet
The subnetworks of campus interconnect the computers of the UW domain (, which is connected to the Internet via a Gateway

How Are Computers Named Logically
The logical way to name computers is using domains
All educational institutions    .edu
U Dub       
This scheme is hierarchical
Easier to remember names
Names are associated with like units
No limit to size or organizational depth

How Are Computers Named Physically
The physical way to name computers is using an Internet protocol address, or IP address’s IP address is:’s IP address:  ’s IP address:       
The domain name system (DNS) associates human readable names with the physical IP addresses for use by the computers and routers of the Internet

Logical Network … Physical Network
An important concept ...
In computing it is common to separate the logical idea of something -- the way you think about it -- from the physical implementation -- how it’s actually built
This is called a physical / logical separation
In networking, the domain names make up our logical network, a hierarchical arrangement of names that tell us associations:
The computers actually use physical addresses
The DNS enables the separation by making the correspondence between the two

How Is Information Sent?
Sending information over the Internet works like this:
Imagine sending the novel you wrote from Tahiti where you live to New York City where your publisher is using only postcards

The Internet Protocol
How is the information sent?
Information -- email, web pages, phone calls, everything sent over the internet -- is  broken up into small units, called packets
Packets contain an IP address, a sequence number and some actual information, a part of the whole message
This scheme is called the Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol, or TCP/IP
The packets are sent independently, usually taking different routes, and reassembled at the destination to reconstruct the original message

World Wide Web
The world wide web is composed of those computers, called web servers, capable of sending information to your browser, e.g. Netscape or IE
In most domains the computer that is the web server is called “www”, e.g.
But, a web server can have any name … your pages will be served by
The actual pages will be stored somewhere else, e.g. Dante
There are different ways to connect to these servers
Hyper-text transfer protocol, http for web pages
File transfer protocol, ftp for files of information

  Web Pages
Web pages are just text files containing instructions to your browser on how to lay out the web page
Web pages can be created with a text editor
Web pages can be created with special tools, eg Adobe Page Mill
The Web page instructions are written in a special language, hyper-text mark-up language, HTML
It is possible to see the HTML that is producing the page you are looking at by selecting “source” from the View menu in your browser

HTML From CSE100 Home Page