Fluency With Information Technology
Alan Borning & Mel Oyler, Instructors
Grace Whiteaker & Yana Kadiyska, Teaching Assistants
University of Washington, Autumn 2000

CSE 100 and IMT 100
This class is listed on the UW registration system as both CSE 100 and IMT 100 for the lecture and quiz sections.
There is just one class – it doesn’t matter which one you are registered for.
Class is currently full.  We aren’t doing overloads, but there might be a few drops – if you are not registered and want to be, attend class this week and check again with STAR to see if there is space.

Fluency With Information Technology
Goal:  Teach you everything you need to know to use information technology effectively throughout your life
… but information technology changes very rapidly, so the real goal is to make you a “life long learner” of IT
There are three kinds of knowledge we will teach
Skills, such as how to use email, WWW, word processing etc.
Concepts, such as how computers work, how networks work etc.
Capabilities, such as logical reasoning, managing complexity etc.
Projects are the key to this course -- mostly the class is doing stuff … make a web page, solve world hunger

Fluency with information technology is a new
concept derived from a National Research
Council study on “What everyone should know
about information technology”
The committee abbreviated “fluency with information technology” by FIT, and being fluent as FITness
FITness replaces “computer literacy” with knowledge that has “staying power” for the rapid changes in information technology
This class is not what you need to know about IT … it’s what you need to know to learn what you need to know about IT

Faster Than a Speeding Bullet
The rate-of-change in information technology is unprecedented
To give perspective, a college education has an “expected useful lifetime” of 55 years
Electronic computers are 53 years old
ARPANet came on-line 30 years ago
The term “PC,” as in personal computer, is less than 20 years old
WWW has been “visible” less than 5 years
How do you prepare?  Learn the fundamentals!

Perspectives on Scale
On 7 July 1999  Moroccan Hicham El Guerrouj ran a mile in 3 minutes 43.13 seconds, 1.26 seconds better than Noureddine Moreceli
El Guerrouj “smashed” “eclipsed” “shattered” record
Roger Bannister broke the “4 minute mile barrier” in 1954 with 3:59.4
As a rate this is an astonishing improvement in 45 years from 15.04 mph to 16.13 mph, or 7%

Normal People & The Mile Run
On average people in their early 20s can run a mile in about 7:30, or about twice the time it takes El Guerrouj
This factor-of-2 difference between average people and world record holders is typical for physical activities like running, jumping, swimming, etc.
No matter how hard we try, we can improve by at most a factor-of-2

Scale of Advancement ...
The Wright’s Flyer 1 flew so slowly that the brother who wasn’t piloting ran along side …
Suppose that implies a speed of 10 mph
NASA says the SR-71 Blackbird, a reconnaissance aircraft, flies at least 2200 mph
The Blackbird is faster than Flyer 1 by a
factor-of-220 times or so ...

Computer Speeds
The 1951 UNIVAC I performed 100,000 additions per second
IBM’s Think Pad laptop does 500 million adds per second, a factor-of-5000 over UNIVAC I
Intel’s custom ASCI Red computer built for Sandia National Labs holds the world record at 2.1 trillion (floating point) additions per second
ASCI Red is a factor-of-21,000,000
times faster than UNIVAC I

Scale of Advancement ...
We can comprehend ...
El Guerrouj’s factor-of-1.07 over Bannister
El Guerrouj’s factor-of-2 over average 20 year old
Possibly Blackbird’s factor-of-220 of Flyer 1
Can we comprehend a factor-of-21,000,000? Or even a factor-of-5000?

Keeping Up Through Fluency
Fluency is designed to teach you the fundamentals, mostly by hands-on practice
Skills -- Email with PINE, Web browsing with Netscape, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access and work with UW databases, Dr. Solomon virus protection ...
Concepts -- workings of computer, networks, encryption, digital encoding, programming and algorithmic thinking, effective searching ...
Capabilities -- logical reasoning, debugging, testing, thinking abstractly about technology, managing complexity …
This knowledge should be useful throughout college and throughout life

Is FIT 100 Right For Me?
Fluency acquisition takes a significant amount of time in the lab
Students in Spring 1999 thought …
FIT100 was very valuable
Expanded their thinking
Options …
To learn specific skills like making a Web page, see UWired
If you are a “techie” or have significant experience with computers, plan on taking CSE142
CSE100/IMT100 will next be offered in Spring 2001

Class Structure
Three lectures per week
Two lab sections per week
Few formal testing situations
4 short in-class quizzes
Short (< 1 hour) final
Projects and assignments are the basis for most grades … use of “ternary system” will be common
“0” -- nothing turned in, incomplete, unsatisfactory
“1” -- satisfactory completion
“2” -- truly extraordinary (rare)

Specifics ...
Text books
Lawrence Snyder, Fluency With Information Technology, Professional Copy ‘N’ Print, 4200 University Ave
Kerman & Brown, “Computer Programming Fundamentals with Applications in Visual Basic 6.0”, Addison-Wesley
Alan Borning   borning@cs.washington.edu
Mel Oyler   melo@u.washington.edu
Teaching Assistants by section
Mel Oyler AA   melo@u.washington.edu
Grace Whiteacker AB, AC, AD  gbwhit23@u.washington.edu
Yana Kadiyska AG, AH  yana@u.washington.edu

What is “information technology”?
Information Technology (IT) is the totality of computers, networks and communication, software, information resources etc.
There will be a huge number of new terms used in this class.  They will generally be defined when they are first used, but if not … ask!  [Use your whistle!] The surest way to be successful in FIT100 is to understand the terminology

To Be Successful In FIT100 ...
Attend classes and labs religiously
Ask questions when you don’t understand something
Start assignments early … even if you do only a small amount
Ask questions when you don’t understand something
Look for resources from Web page
email archive, classmates and TAs
Ask questions when you don’t understand something
Spend some time each day in the lab
Ask questions when you don’t understand something

Assignment 0
Assignment 0 is to help you to familiarize yourself with the basics of email and the web at UW
 For this assignment you can get help from a friend, a lab consultant or President McCormick
Steps 1-5 of Assignment 0 are due before your first lab meeting
Steps 6-9 of  Assignment 0 is due before class on Wednesday
We ask you to get your UWNetID on your own and to learn to send email on your own because it’s really easy to do (follow the instructions on the sheet or ask a friend for help), and once you have done it you will be on your way towards using IT independently

Assignment 0 & Class Mailing List
One of the steps in this assignment asks you to subscribe to the class e-mail list
 to subscribe: send mail to
cse100-request@cs.washington.edu.  The body of your message should consist of the single word subscribe.  This message goes to a computer program named majordomo, not a person.  (Think of the analogy with telephoning a voicemail system instead of a person.)
To send a message to everyone in the class: send mail to cse100@cs.washington.edu.  These messages are also archived on the class web pages.
Please don’t send subscription request messages to the whole class. But if someone messes up, don’t send a nasty reply to that person with a copy to everyone in the class!

Gilligan’s Island Rule
You may work with anyone provided you don’t take a written record away from the meeting … including notes, electronic notes, white/black board, etc.
Indulge in at least 1/2 hour of mindless activity before doing your task … Gilligan’s Island is a 60s TV show that set the standard for mindlessness
Note who you worked with on your assignment

Welcome to FIT100
It’s a fun class where you learn a lot of things that you can apply immediately, later in college and throughout life
Don’t forget --
Homework due for tomorrow’s lab