CSE 490T

Special Topics in Computer Science and Engineering

Lead Instructor
Ben Dugan
Course Description
Lectures, discussions, and possibly labs on topics of current interest in computer science and engineering not covered by other CSE undergraduate courses.
CE Major Status
Selected Elective
Course Objectives
Perplexed, annoyed, or interested in patents? Confused by copyright laws? This course provides a survey of intellectual property law for a technical (non-legal) audience. The purpose of the course is to assist engineers and scientists in navigating and utilizing various intellectual property regimes effectively in the business context. In the patent space, we will study the significant revisions of U.S. patent law under the America Invents Act of 2011, including the change from a first-to-invent to a first-to-file patent system and new post-grant review procedures. Additional patent-related topics will include patent preparation and prosecution, claim interpretation, and assessing patent validity and infringement. Other intellectual property areas will also be addressed, including copyright, trademark, and trade secret law. The course will balance the discussion of practical legal considerations with broader policy questions (e.g., should certain subject matter be off limits for patenting? the relationship between innovation and intellectual property regimes, etc.).
ABET Outcomes
No outcomes registered
Course Topics
  1. Week 1: Survey of IP Law
  2. Week 2: Reading a Patent
  3. Week 3: Patent Prosecution, Provisional Applications, Priority, Foreign Rights
  4. Week 4: Conditions for Patentability
  5. Week 5: Claim Drafting
  6. Week 6: Patent Analysis
  7. Week 7: Copyright & Open Source Licenses
  8. Week 8: Software Patents
  9. Week 9: Patent Reform
  10. Week 10: Wrapup