CSE 481B

Capstone Software Design

Lead Instructor
Richard Anderson
Course Description
Students work in teams to design and implement a software project involving multiple areas of the CSE curriculum. Emphasis is placed on the development process itself, rather than on the product.
CSE 331 or CSE 341; CSE 326 or CSE 332; CSE 351 or CSE 378; substantial programming experience such as CSE 451 or CSE 457.
CE Major Status
Selected Elective
Course Objectives
To learn about the software design process through hands-on development of a software product. To experience working in larger teams than you have had to deal with previously in our curriculum. To experience building sophisticated applications by making use of real-world tools , rather than trying to build everything from scratch. To gain experience dealing with the usability issues related to mobile devices To have some fun (by building a cool application). To develop a portfolio documenting your efforts that could be useful in looking for a job. To gain experience in demonstrating and promoting a prototype application
ABET Outcomes
No outcomes registered
Course Topics