Midterm #2 Study Guide
CSE 373: Data Structures & Algorithms
Winter 2012

Midterm Exam #2, Friday, Feb 24, 2012

Exam policies:


Topics covered:


Sample midterms:



·        Topics covered on these exams may not be the exact same topics covered on our exam; please see the list of topics listed above for topics covered on our exam.

·        These are provided to help you study and are not meant to be interpreted as a guarantee of the format of our actual midterm in terms of length or type of questions.


Midterm II samples: (Note: B-trees, Binomial Queues, Leftist Heaps and Skew Heaps appear on some sample midterms but will NOT be on our midterm)

New! Midterm II from 12wi (Key to Midterm II from 12wi)


Midterm I samples: (some of these might contain a few relevant questions)


Study suggestions: