Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: C:\larryz\classes\UW576S11\data\abe.pngComputer Vision

CSE P 576



Instructor:  Larry Zitnick  (


TA:  Dun-Yu Hsiao (dyhsiao)


Monday 6:30-9:20pm

Place: EEB 037


Schedule and course notes




Message board Feel free to share your questions here! Your question may also be your classmate's question!


Grade book


Dropbox for homework upload Please upload your assignment in a compressed file including codes, executables, writing assignments, and the data required for the program. Also, please include a brief readme describing any extra credit (bells and whistles) you accomplished. Note that there is a deadline for each assignment.  Anything uploaded after the deadline will be marked late. Please be careful to not overwrite an in time assignment with a late assignment when uploading near the deadline.  Each student has a TOTAL of 4 days late without penalty over the entire course (you may be one day late for every assignment, or 4 days late for one assignment, etc.)


Please let the TA know if you cannot access any of the pages.


Assignment 1 Filters                                    (due April 18th)


Assignment 2 Panorama Stitching         (due May 2nd)


Assignment 3 Stereo                                   (due May 18nd)


Assignment 4 Face recognition               (due June 6th)



Provides an overview of computer vision, emphasizing the middle ground between image processing and artificial intelligence. Low-level image processing, computational photography, motion and depth estimation, object recognition, and case studies of current research


Office hours:  There are no regularly scheduled office hours, but you can always arrange a meeting with either the TA or instructor.  Just send an email.


Grading:  The grade is based on four assignments.  Each assignment will be a mix of coding and written answers.


Book (optional):

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:

Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, Richard Szeliski.

Topics Covered:


Image filtering

Edge detection


Interest point detection and descriptors

Structure from motion

Computational photography

Stereo and optical flow

3D reconstruction

Object recognition







Tutorial on PCA