CSE P 564 Assignment 2:  Guidance on How to be Secure (DRAFT)

Goal:  The goal of this assignment is to:

Although not an explicit learning goal, this assignment is also designed to give you an opportunity to explore security solutions for a problem / topic of interest to you.

Overview of requirements:  Prepare and submit a video and companion PDF file.  The video will focus on a particular security problem / topic that users encounter today.

How to submit (required).  Please submit the video (.mp4) and the companion PDF file into the dropbox.  So that other people in the class can view the videos, we anticipate loading the videos onto a cs.washington.edu website, with a .htaccess file that limits access to only people with a valid UW CSE NetID. If you do not want your video to be shared, please let us know by email.

How to submit (optional).  We suspect that the results of this process -- the videos -- will be of value to the general public.  As a community service, we hope to find a channel / method to publicly share the videos.  However, sharing the videos in the public channel is entirely optional.  More details TBD.

Due.  Feb 9, 9pm (Monday)

Collaboration. You may discuss your video + companion PDF with others before you prepare it.

However, if you discuss your video + companion PDF with others before you prepare it, then (1) leave a thirty-minute (or greater) gap between those discussions and when you start to prepare your video + companion PDF and (2) prepare your video + companion PDF entirely by yourselves.

You may also discuss your video + companion PDF with others after all parties involved in the discussions have completed and submitted their videos + companion PDFs.

Summary: you may discuss your videos + companion PDFs with others, but your videos + companion PDFs are to be on your own.

The Task:  Guidelines for Users

People often ask questions like the following of people who work in computer security:  How should I do X securely?  For example, how should I store my passwords?  How can I protect my privacy against web trackers and web advertisers?  How can I secure my backups?  What security settings should I have on my phone?  This assignment will give you an opportunity to answer a question like these.

Your task is to prepare a video and companion PDF.  The video should focus on a particular security problem / topic that users face today.  

Your video should have the following properties:

Your supplemental PDF should have the following properties.  We will use these PDFs to prepare for class on Feb 10 (since we will likely not be able to review all the videos before class on Feb 10).

On Problem / Topic Selection.  We encourage you to pick problems / topics of interest to you.  We also encourage you to think outside the box.  For example, when picking problems, in addition to thinking about security problems / topics related to laptops and the Web, we encourage you to think about other users of computing, ranging from USB sticks, to cameras, to selling things on eBay, to different properties / usage scenarios of different countries (e.g., censorship), to parenting technologies (e.g., child Web/location monitoring), to home automation systems, and so on.

Grading Rubric.  We expect to grade according to the following rubric:

Video Content

3 - Exceptional




Strength of Summary

Video presents, in a clear way, a summary of the problem / topic presented at the beginning of the video; Summary explains what the problem / topic is and why the problem / topic is important

Summary present, with all the required components, but presentation lacks clarity

Summary present but fails to explain what the problem / topic is or fails to explain why the problem/topic is important

Clearly identifiable summary absent

Strength of Current / Common Practices

Video presents, in a clear way, common ways that users address the problem / topic today; common practice reflect what one might reasonably expect users to do

Discussion of current / common practices present but lacks clarity; common practices do not reflect what one might reasonably expect users to do

Clearly identifiable discussion of current / common practices absent

Strength of Recommendations to Users

Video presents, in a clear way, recommendations to users; recommendations seem well founded

Discussion of recommendations to users present but lacks clarity; recommendations do not seem well founded

Clearly identifiable discussion of recommendations to users absent

Strength of Discussion of Caveats and Open Questions

Video presents, in a clear way, caveats / open questions  to the above recommendations; caveats and open questions seem well founded

Discussion of caveats / open questions lacks clarity; caveats and open question do not seem well founded

Clearly identifiable discussion of caveats / open questions absent

Strength of Directions for Future Research and Innovation

Video presents, in a clear way, directions for future research; directions for future research and innovation seem well founded

Discussion of directions for future research and innovation lacks clarity; directions for future research and innovation do not seem well founded

Clearly identifiable discussion of directions for future research and innovation absent

Strength of References

Presentation clearly based on an in-depth investigation into related works and important references

References included, but lack of strong connection between references and the presented material

No references given, but presentation seems factually correct

No references given, presentation does not seem correct

Video Submission Details





Video at most 10 minutes long

Within allotted time

Within 30 seconds of allotted time

Within 60 seconds of allotted time

Too long by more than 60 seconds

Name and UW NetID included at the beginning of the video; video uploaded in the correct format

Submitted in the correct format

Not submitted in the correct format

PDF Content




1-Sentence Summary Present



Bullet list of recommendations for users present (will likely repeat content from the video)



Bullet list of recommendations for developers (will likely repeat content from the video)



PDF Submission Details





Name and UW NetID included on first page of companion PDF; companion PDF document uploaded in the correct format

Submitted in the correct format

Not submitted in the correct format