CSE P 564 Assignment 1:  Security Reviews

Goal:  The goal of this assignment is to:

Overview of requirements:  Two Security Review (details below)

How to submit. Submit a single PDF to Catalyst (link on the main page). Include your name and UWNetID on each page of that PDF.  Your task is to do two security reviews, but please put both reviews in a single PDF.

Due.   6pm, Jan 20, 2015.

Collaboration. You may discuss your security reviews with others before you write your security reviews.

However, if you discuss your security reviews with others before you write your security reviews, then (1) leave a thirty-minute (or greater) gap between those discussions and when you start to write your reviews and (2) write your security reviews entirely by yourselves.

You may also discuss your security reviews with others after all parties involved in the discussions have completed and submitted their security reviews.

Summary: you may discuss your security reviews with others, but your writeups are to be on your own.

The Task:  Two Security Reviews

Your assignment is to do two security reviews.

For each security review, the task is to conceptually evaluate the potential security and privacy issues with a technology, evaluate the severity of those issues, and discuss how the technology might address those security and privacy issues. You will do this at the conceptual level, hence the emphasis on the words “conceptually” and “potential” above.

For your two security reviews, you may pick any two technologies that you wish.  The two technologies should, however, be different.  We suspect that you will find this exercise more interesting / educational if you pick new technologies -- i.e., technologies with security risks that have not already been discussed in the media or amongst practitioners.

Your security review should contain:

There are some examples of past security reviews here. (The requirements for these past security reviews may, however, be different than the requirements for this version of the course.)

Please try to be clear and concise.  We envision around one to three typed pages per review.