Welcome to Computer Architecture, taught by Prof. Luis Ceze with Liang Luo and Eddie Yan.

This website will be updated throughout the quarter, so check back for the latest.

Course Overview


This is the planned lecture schedule. It will get filled in as we go, so please check back.

Each week there will be several suggested readings, including some textbook chapters and influential research papers. Some lectures there will be a required reading (bolded), which you will need to submit a commentary on. This should be just a paragraph describing what you found most interesting, surprising, or asking questions that you have. These commentaries should be submitted to the Catalyst dropbox before the following lecture.

(subject to change)

Date Topic & Readings HW
September 27 (W)

No class.

October 4 (W)

Intro / Metrics / Power, ISA 1

October 11 (W)

ISA 2 / Pipelining / Branch Prediction

October 18 (W)

Superscalar/Dynamic Scheduling

October 25 (W)

Dynamic Scheduling / Multithreading

  • Chapters 3.11-3.13 of HP

  • Chapter 2 of HP

November 1 (W)

Memory Hierarchy / Virtual Memory / NVRAM

November 8 (W)

FPGAs (Guest lecture by Andrew Putnam from Microsoft) / GPUs (Guest lecture by Brad Beckmann from AMD)

November 15 (W)

Cache Coherence / Memory Consistency Models

November 22 (W)

Memory Consistency Models / Dark Silicon + Specialization / Machine Learning

November 29 (W)

FPGA / Transactional Memory / Warehouse-Scale Computing

December 6 (W)

Warehouse-Scale Computing, Dissecting Real Systems, Future technology trends