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 CSE P 548: Computer Architecture - Spring 2005
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Logging into

Obtain and install a secure shell client. Suggested clients for Windows include SSHClient from and PuTTY.

Using SSHClient

  1. Download the client from the downloads section at The client is also included in the UWICK package.
  2. Run sshclient.exe and from the File menu, select the Quick connect... option.
  3. Enter as the host name and your CSE login name as the user name.
  4. Enter your CSE password when prompted.

Using PuTTY

Thanks to Dennis Galvin (dgalvin AT cs DOT washington DOT edu) for this information.

PuTTY is an open source group of applications written by Simon Tatham.

  1. Download PuTTY from Get the zip file with all the Windows binaries rather than just picking and choosing. Get the latest release version rather than the 'nightly snapshot' builds.
  2. Extract all the files from the zip into a directory of your choosing.
  3. Make shortcuts to these 2 exes:
    PuTTY.exe    // this is the ssh client application
    PsFTP.exe    // this is the secure FTP application
For the SSH connection shell prompt:
Edit your shortcut you made above. After the program name, as a separate argument, enter making the obvious substitution -- The first time you run it you will see a warning "The server's host key is not cached in the registry. You have no guarantee the server is the computer you think it is. The server's rsa2 key fingerprint is...." Click on the "Yes" button. You will then be prompted for your attu password.

To connect to with secure FTP, simply add as separate argument to the target for the PsFTP.exe shortcut. If you specify a working directory on the shortcut, that will be where the local directory of the FTP session is. You will now have a shortcut to a command line secure FTP session.

Running SimpleScalar

To run SimpleScalar when logged into, type:

/cse/courses/csep548/05sp/simplescalar/bin/sim-outorder options simple scalar executable arguments

You can add a path to your PATH environment variable so that you can run SimpleScalar by typing sim-outorder. Add
setenv PATH ${PATH}:/cse/courses/csep548/05sp/simplescalar/bin/
to your .mycshrc or .cshrc file if you're using csh or variants like tcsh.

For the bash shell, add
export PATH=${PATH}:/cse/courses/csep548/05sp/simplescalar/bin/
to your .bashrc file.

More information about SimpleScalar is contained in these documents:
  • SimpleScalar guide (pdf).
  • Benchmark inputs good for use with SimpleScalar (pdf).

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