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Applied Algorithms Anna Karlin, 426C Sieg
CSE 589, Autumn 1997

Homework # 5
Due November 26

  1. Consider a cryptosystem where the number of keys is equal to the number of possible plaintexts which is also equal to the number of possible ciphertexts. Suppose that for every plaintext p and every ciphertext c, there is a unique key K such that tex2html_wrap_inline384. (tex2html_wrap_inline386 is the encryption function using the key K.) Prove that the cryptosystem provides perfect secrecy, i.e., that for every plaintext p and ciphertext c, the a posteriori probability of p, given that the ciphertext is c is equal to the a priori probability of p.
  2. Compute the multiplicative inverse of 13 modulo 504 using the Extended Euclidean Algorithm.
  3. Public-Key Cryptography:
  4. Consider the following symmetric cryptosystem, the exponentiation cipher. First, choose a prime modulus m, known to everyone. Choose a key k less than m at random. (We will see later that not all keys k are possible.) k is kept secret. Then the encryption function tex2html_wrap_inline428 is defined as
    Let s be the mod tex2html_wrap_inline434 multiplicative inverse of k. Then the decryption function is
    where tex2html_wrap_inline440.

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Nitin Sharma
Tue Nov 18 17:33:46 PST 1997