Winter 2009
Wednesday, 6:30 to 9:20
EEB 037
Co-Instructor James Fogarty:
Co-Instructor Daniel Widgor:
Teaching Assistant Sean Liu:
There will typically be several readings assigned for each day of class. This course will be based on those readings, individual assignments, and a quarter-long group iterative design project.
Class discussions should be informal and enjoyable, as it is important that everybody feel comfortable commenting and offering their insight.
This Catalyst dropbox will be the primary mechanism for assignment submission:
We have also created a Catalyst forum that will be used throughout the quarter, and which we encourage you to use for discussion:
A form for submitting anonymous feedback is available at:
All information on this calendar is currently subject to revision.
Date |
Reading |
Due |
Jan 6 [slides] |
Overview and Problem Brainstorming No Readings Due. Class includes Discussion of: Katzenbach, J.R. and Smith, D.K. The Discipline of Teams. [local html] Tischler, L. 2001. Seven Secrets to Good Brainstorming and Six Surefire Ways to Kill a Brainstorm. [local pdf] Pointers to Assist with Project Proposals: Top Choice Brainstorming Results Additional Brainstorming Results Examples of Previously Successful Project Proposals |
Jan 13 [slides] |
History and User Testing Bush, V. (1945). As We May Think. Atlantic Monthly. [available online] Gomoll, Kathleen. (1992). Some Techniques for Observing Users. From The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design, 85-90. [local pdf] Rettig, Marc. (1994). Prototyping for Tiny Fingers. Communications of the ACM (CACM), 37(4), 21-27. [local pdf] Snyder, Carolyn. (2003). Paper Prototyping, Chapter 4. [local pdf] Nielsen Norman Group. Paper Prototyping: A How-To Video. [local mov] [local wmv] |
Project Proposal Due |
Jan 20 [slides] |
Design as Exploration, Contextual Inquiry, and Task-Based Design Buxton, B. Sketching User Experiences. pp. 135-151. [local pdf] Beyer, H. and Holtzblatt, K. Contextual Design. Chapter 3. [local pdf] |
Photocopier Due Group Formation Due |
Jan 27 [slides] |
Inspection-Based Evaluation Lewis, Clayton and Rieman, John. (1993). Evaluating the Design without Users. [local html] Jakob Nielsen. (2005). Heuristic Evaluation.
Feb 3 [slides] |
Human Performance and Group Critiques No Readings Due. |
Tasks and Initial Sketches Due for Critiques |
Feb 10 |
Project Presentations: Problem, Inquiry, and Sketches No Readings Due. |
Contextual Inquiry, Tasks, and Sketches Due Paper Prototyping, Testing, and Interactive Prototype Assigned |
Feb 17 [slides] |
Design of Everyday Things and Rapid Prototyping Methods Design of Everything Things, Chapters 1 to 7 Beaudouin-Lafon, M. and Mackay, W.E. Prototyping Tools and Techniques. [local pdf] Pointer from Class: |
Feb 24 [slides] |
Future Interaction and Why Design is Important Weiser, M. (1991). The Computer for the 21st Century. Scientific American, 1(3), pp. 94-104.[local pdf] |
Paper Prototyping and Testing Due |
Mar 3 [slides] |
Experimentation, Patterns, and "Usability Evaluation Considered Harmful" Kohavi, R., Henne, R.M., and Sommerfield, D. (2007). Practical Guide to Controlled Experiments on the Web: Listen to Your Customers not to the HiPPO. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2007), 959-967. [local pdf] Greenberg, S. and Buxton, B. (2008). Usability Evaluation Considered Harmful (Some of the Time). Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2008), 111-120. [local pdf] Pointer from Class: |
Hall of Fame and Shame Due |
Mar 10 |
Project Presentations: Final |
Final Report and Presentation Due |