CSE599Y: Special Topics: Internet of Robotic things

Description: The future of the Internet will include sensors and Internet-enabled devices with robotic actuators. This has the potential to transform multiple sectors in the economy by enabling various applications including smart farming without farmers, underwater robotics, environmental conservation, global health and space robotics. This course will have invited lectures from researchers across these areas to understand the state of research in these fields and potential open problems for computing, networking and sensing researchers.

Topics of coverage:

1) The Future farms with the Internet of things
2) Using drones to address Malaria
3) Soft low-power robotics
4) Tracking sensors for underwater robotics
5) Robotic sampling of phytoplankton and Penguins
6) Underwater robotics to study polar ice
7) Space robotics for science and space exploration
8) Satellite based Internetworking
9) Powering insect-scale wireless robotics

Students will be evaluated based on their participants in the lectures and answering questions about each lecture.

Prerequisities: (none listed)
Credits: 1.0 to 5.0

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