Here is some information about me.
Date |
Topics, readings, and assignments |
Week 1. |
Topic: Error Correcting Codes and McEliece's Public Key System. Lecture Notes: Lecture Notes and Lecture Notes. Homework Assignment: Homework. |
Week 2. |
Topic: Boolean Functions. Lecture Notes: Lecture Notes and Lecture Notes.
Week 3. |
Topic: No class. |
Week 4. |
Topic: MOV attack, Dustin Moody. Guest lecture: Jim Simon, Microsoft Institute for Advanced Government Strategies.
Week 5. |
Topic: Linear and differential cryptanalysis of DES. Slava Chernyak, Sourav Sen Gupta.
Week 6. |
Topic: Algebraic attacks. Paul Carr. MOV---II, Dan Shumow.
Week 7. |
No class.
Week 8. |
No class. NIST Hash workshop.
Week 9. |
Topic: Attacks on MD4 and MD5, Owen Anderson. Factoring attacks, Wenhan Wang.
Week 10. |
Topic: Attacks on Stream ciphers. Karl Koscher (CSE).