CSE 590ED, 2003 Winter
You can get to this page quickly via URL www.cs/590ed from anywhere
on campus, or just www/590ed from any department machine.
Mailing List Archive
Send mail to cse590ed@cs
to reach everyone in the
seminar. Instructions for joining/leaving the list are on the list's mailman page. Past messages are stored in the web
This quarter, CSE
590ED meets on Thursdays at 10:30 in MEB 235 (except as noted
below for 06 Feb!). After our first meeting, a schedule of topics and
discussion leaders will be posted below.
For your assigned week, take a look at a journal/conference,
skim/read a few papers, and get a feel for the quality, focus,
methods, and audience of the venue. Try to pick a paper that's a
decent and representative read and distribute to everyone at least a
few days in advance. You can see our current list of publication venues
on the web, linked off our group web
page. Many links to publication content below will not work from
outside the .washington.edu domain or without the UW library
- Jan 16:
Journal of Computing in Higher Education
Computers & Education / Richard -
Richard's notes in the mailing list archive.
- A Survey of student dropout rates and dropout
causes...Hellenic Open University, 39 (2002) 361-377
- The "Intelligent Classroom" [Looks like a McGill Classroom
2000 paper], 38 (2002) 253-266
Electronic office hours: a component of distance learning,
37 (2001), 195-209
dropped from reading list)
- Jan 23:
American Society for Engineering Education / David -
very large, very varied
- D. Socha, V. Razmov, E. Davis. Teaching Reflective Skills
in an Engineering Course (presubmission draft). ASEE
- D. Socha, V. Razmov, E. Davis.
When Conflict Helps Learning (presubmission draft). ASEE 2003.
- Jan 30:
- Feb 06: 9:30-10:30 in Sieg 322, Ken's general
exam on the gender gap in undergraduate computer science
- Feb 13:
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education Journal of Educational Computing Research / Kate -
Kate's notes in the mailing list archive.
- Feb 20: no meeting (SIGCSE conference)
- Feb 27: ASEE journal / Monica
- Mar 06: Frontiers in Education / Vibha
- Mar 13: Livenotes /
John Canny, UCB
We are also planning to discuss the following publication venues,
but they are yet to be scheduled and/or assigned discussion leaders:
- Computer Science Education / Steve
- Computers & Education / (unassigned) - quantitative,
research-oriented, K-12
- Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching /
(unassigned) - K-12
- Design Studies / Tammy - journal on design process, largely
higher ed
- Frontiers in Education / Vibha - engineering, active learning,
- Journal of Educational Technology Systems / Ken - ???
- hijacked session for Ken's generals (practice?) talk on gender-biased
attrition from undergraduate CS
- International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education /
For other topic ideas, see the results of our brainstorming on last
quarter's web page.
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Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA 98195-2350
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX
[comments to yasuhara@cs.washington.edu, jmc]