CSE590W: Accessibility Research Seminar


Who can attend? CREATE members and students at any level who are excited about learning more about accessibility research. Those who can't register directly for the course should reach out to Aashaka or Gina.

Seminar Expectations

Please remember to help us create an inclusive, respectful, and accessible environment for all participants. This means many things but some examples are: taking turns when speaking, identifying yourself while speaking, remembering to do the reading if any is required, listen and avoid assuming you know what others experience; do the work to teach yourself and learn together; check in regularly; and let others speak before speaking again.

To sign up for the seminar and mailing list after the first week of the quarter, please email Aashaka at aashakad@cs.washington.edu.

Seminar Format

This quarter, we will have a mix of CREATE student and affiliate research presentations and CREATE coffee chats with faculty and staff. We will be meeting in Gates 371 or on zoom. Please note the below schedule is tentative -- check the mailing list announcements.


1/15/25: Introduction

Welcome! Go over the expectations and schedule for the course.

1/22/25: Coffee Chat: Being Disabled on the Job Market

Disability studies experts will discuss navigating the academic job search process as a person with a disability (PWD). CREATE’s Director of Strategy and Operations, Olivia Banner, Ph.D., will host this panel. Our panelists:

  • Heather Evans, Disability Studies Program Director
  • Venkatesh Potluri, Assistant Professor, School of Information, U Michigan
  • Shannon Tyman, lecturer, UW's College of Built Environments

1/29/25: Coffee Chat: CREATE Grants Information Session

Learn more about the grants offered by CREATE for accessibility research.

2/5/25: Research Presentations: Bethany Sloane and Mia Hoffman

Title TBD

2/12/25: Coffee Chat: Industry Affiliate Visitor


2/19/25: Coffee Chat: Conducting Community-Engaged Research


2/26/25: Coffee Chat: Community Partner Presentation


3/5/25: Research Presentation: Lucy Jiang

Title TBD

3/12/25: Research Presentations: Arnavi Chheda and Tamanna Motahar

Title TBD