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 CSE 590W - Computers and Disabilities, Spring 2007
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Computers are playing an ever more important role in assistive technology for a wide range of disabilities. In this seminar, we will explore the state of the art and current research in computer-based assistive technology for blindness, deafness, cognitive impairment, and other disabilities.

The seminar will include a mix of lectures, invited speakers, and discussions of recent research papers. These will include current research at UW on computer-based assistive technology, as well as guests from various organizations outside of academia. If you wish to present your work or experience, please contact Susumu Harada at harada [at] cs [dot] washington[dot] edu.

First meeting is on April 4th.


The SLN for this seminar is 11997. CSE graduate students who wish to attend and participate in the discussions may register for 1 credit.

No particular background is required. Non-computer science majors and undergraduates may (and are encouraged) to attend with permission of the instructors.

If you are from outside of the Computer Science department, you will need to obtain an add-code to register for the seminar. Please contact Susumu (above) to obtain the code.

Be sure to sign up for the mailing list (below) to be kept informed about any room/time changes.


Talks are generally 30-40 minutes followed by 10-20 mintues of discussion. In some cases students will read papers prior to a discussion.

All talks and discussions are in CSE 303 in the Paul Allen Center on Wednesdays at 9:30 - 10:20 am.

Mailing list

Subscribe to the seminar mailing list and also check out the archive for past postings.

Organizers: Richard Ladner and Susumu Harada

Potential Papers/Topics with dates and speakers/discussion leaders:

Date Topic/Paper Speaker/Discussion Leader
4/4 Overview of the UW Center for Technology and Disability Studies and Washington Assistive Technology Act Program Maria Kelley
UW Center for Technology and Disability Studies
Washington Assistive Technology Act Program
4/11 Report from CSUN 2007 (Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference)1 Dan Comden
Access Technology Lab, UW
4/18 Emerging brain-computer interface based assistive technologies2 Rajesh Rao
Neural Systems Group, UW
4/25 Practice talk for W4A (International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility) Shaun Kane
Information School, UW
5/2 Practice talk for W4A (International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility) Jeffrey Bigham
Computer Science and Engineering, UW
5/9 Deploying Speech Recognition As an Assistive Technology Edward Rosenthal
Next Generation Technologies
5/16 Deaf-Blind and Assistive Technology - From a Teaching Perspective Bruce Visser
Seattle Lighthouse
5/23 Assistive Technology and Vision impairment Yang-su Cho
Washington State Department of Services for the Blind
5/30   Krzysztof Gajos
Computer Science and Engineering, UW

Additional Resources

Here are some additional resources relevant to the above talks:

1: Report from CSUN 2007

Here are some links to many of the sessions/products Dan described in the talk:

2: Emerging brain-computer interface based assistive technologies

Here are links to some of the videos of BCI included in the talk:

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