CSE 590u Ubiquitous Computing Seminar (Winter '22)


This quarter we will read and discuss papers from Ubicomp researchers around the world. Each week will feature a different researcher and one person will be asigned to present a summary of that researcher's work as told with 4-6 publications. The presenter will summarize the motivations and main findings from each paper and present a research timeline that shows how the author's work evolves over time.

Tips for Presenters

Since UbiComp is a highly interdisciplinary field, everyone in seminar has a different technical background. Tailor your presentation for an audience with a general computing background, but don't assume knowledge in specific topics like signal processing, FPGAs, machine learning, RFID etc. Please check the previous course homepages to make sure you don't repeat a paper from within the last two years of seminar.

Here is a sample presentation outline:

  1. Brief introduction to the researcher, their lab/advisor, and frequented venues
  2. A timeline showing key papers from the author's career
  3. An overview of main findings and key ideas from each paper
  4. A brief analysis of themes and methodologies common in the author's work
  5. Open questions for discussion.
Please save about 10 minutes for discussion after your presentation. Although it is tempting to focus on the flaws in a paper, it is also important to celebrate its strengths. Be constructive and frame your criticisms as opportunities for improvement in future work. A good presentation contains mostly pictures (figures from the paper) with relatively few bullet points.


1/3 Organizational Meeting
1/10 Sandeep Kumar Vashist - (Jason) [Slides]
1/17 MLK Day
1/24 Thad Starner - (Richard) [Slides]
1/31 Patrick Baudisch - (Jerry) [Slides]
2/7 Dina Katabi - (Shirley)
2/14 Hiroshi Isshi - (Will) [Slides]
2/21 President's Day
2/28 Doug Engelbart - (Ishan)
3/7 Wrapping up the quarter