CSE 590u Ubiquitous Computing Seminar (Spring '22)


This quarter we will read and discuss theses from Ubicomp researchers around the world. Each week will feature a different researcher and one person will be asigned to present a summary of that researcher's PhD thesis.

Tips for Presenters

Since UbiComp is a highly interdisciplinary field, everyone in seminar has a different technical background. Tailor your presentation for an audience with a general computing background, but don't assume knowledge in specific topics like signal processing, FPGAs, machine learning, RFID etc.


3/28 Organizational Meeting
4/4 Jon Froehlich - (Joe) [Thesis]
4/11 Alex Mariakakis - (Richard) [Thesis]
4/18 Mayank Goel - (Toma) [Thesis]
4/25 Edward Wang - (Jerry) [Thesis]
5/2 Gierad Laput - (Ishan) [Thesis]
5/9 Vikram Iyer - (Shirley) [Thesis]
5/16 Gabe Cohn - (Girish) [Thesis]
5/23 Eric Larson - (Jason) [Thesis]
5/30 NO MEETING - Memorial Day