CSE 590u Ubiquitous Computing Seminar (Autumn '20)
Each week we will read and discuss one or two papers from a conference or journal related to ubiquitous computing. Each seminar participant will be assigned as a discussion lead for one paper and is responsile for reading and presenting the paper to the group. Papers will be hosted on Google Drive. All participants are encouraged to read the week's discussion paper(s) before seminar; you are welcome to place comments directly on the document in Google Drive. For access to the documents in Google Drive, email Jacob.
Tips for Presenters
Since UbiComp is a highly interdisciplinary field, everyone in seminar has a different technical background. Taylor your presentation for an audience with a general computing background, but don't assume knowledge in specific topics like signal processing, FPGAs, machine learning, RFID etc. Please check the previous course homepages to make sure you don't repeat a paper from within the last two years of seminar.
Here is a sample presentation outline:
- Brief overview of the paper's authors and their affiliations
- Review of relevant background to understand the paper
- Overview of the paper's methods and results
- Analysis of paper's strengths and weaknesses
- Open questions for discussion.
Please save about 5 minutes for discussion after your presentation. Although it is tempting to focus on the flaws in a paper, it is also important to celebrate its strengths. Be constructive and frame your criticisms as opportunities for improvement in future work. A good presentation contains mostly pictures (figures from the paper) with relatively few bullet points.
Organizational Meeting
MobiSys - (Parker)
RehabPhone: a software-defined tool using 3D printing and smartphones for personalized home-based rehabilitation (Hanbin Zhang, Gabriel Guo, Emery Comstock, Baicheng Chen, Xingyu Chen, Chen Song, Jerry Ajay, Jeanne Langan, Sutanuka Bhattacharjya, Lora A Cavuoto, Wenyao Xu, MobiSys 2020)
MobiCom - (Girish, Nikolas)
Spirosonic: monitoring human lung function via acoustic sensing on comodity smartphones (Xingzhe Song, Boyuan Yang, Ge Yang, Ruirong Chen, Erick Forno, Wei Chen, Wei Gao, MobiCom 2020)
Voice localization using nearby wall reflections (Sheng Shen, Daguan Chen, Yu-Lin Wei, Zhijian Yang, Romit Roy Choudhury, MobiCom 2020)
Nature Communications, CHI - (Jason, Kyle)
Smartphone app for non-invasive detection of anemia using only patient-sourced photos (Robert G. Mannino, David R. Myers, Erika A. Tyburski, Christina Caruso, Jeanne Boudreaux, Traci Leong, G. D. Clifford, Wilbur A. Lam, Nature Communications 2018)
Improving the Performance of Motor-Impaired Users with Automatically-Generated, Ability-Based Interfaces (Krzysztof Z. Gajos, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Daniel S. Weld, CHI 2008)
ISWC/Ubicomp - (Jacob, Jerry)