CSE 590u Ubiquitous Computing Seminar (Winter '19)

This quarter we will read and discuss ubicomp-related papers from different publication venues.


Each week will feature a different publication venue and two people will be asigned as discuession leads (responsible for selecting the paper and reminding everyone to read it). We will be using Google Docs to faciliate discussion for the quarter. As you read the paper, place your comments directly on the document. We encourage you to respond to others comments as well. For access to our documents, email Varun.

  • A related publication venue will will be selected each week. Discussion leads will choose a couple recent papers from this publication venue, related to ubicomp.
  • A pair of students will present an introduction about the publication venue and paper. In class they will lead a discussion about the paper. We will assign leaders at the first meeting.
  • Other students are expected to discuss the paper on Google Docs, reading and commenting on it by Sunday at noon so that the discussion leaders can curate all the responses before the meeting on Monday.
  • You are encouraged to read others' comments and critiques before the seminar.

Lunch will be served at noon. We will start discussing at 12:10pm. We hope people come at noon and socialize a bit before the discussion.


1/7 Organizational Meeting
1/14 Nature / Wearables - (Edward Wang & Parker Ruth)
1/21 No class (MLK Day)
1/28 MobiSys - (Alex Mariakakis & Matt Whitehill)
2/4 Sensys - (Morelle Arian & Farshid Salemi Parizi)
2/11 NeurIPS - (Sam & Varun)
1/18 No class (Presidents' Day)
2/25 EMBCI / IEEE Biomedical Journal - (Xin & Sicheng)
3/11 IMWUT - (Manuja & Lilian)
3/14 SIGGRAPH / UIST - (Eric & CJ)