CSE 590N: Software Engineering Seminar
(Winter 2003)
Room and Time: Mary
Gates Hall 254: Tuesdays, 1:30-2:20PM.
This quarter we will investigate some topics in Component
Based Software Engineering.
Here is the current schedule and reading
- Week 1. (7 Jan)
Architectural Mismatch: Why Reuse is So Hard [Presenter: Jonathan
David Garlan, Robert Allen, and John Ockerbloom, in IEEE Software, November
1995. (PDF)
- Week 2. (14 Jan) COM
Revisited: Tool-Assisted Modeling and Analysis of Complex Software
Structures [Presenter: Chris Thompson]
Daniel Jackson, and Kevin Sullivan in SIGSOFT
2000, ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software
Engineering, November, 2000 (PDF)
Alloy Analyzer; Micromodels of Software Lightweight Modeling and Analysis
with Alloy (Optional) (pdf)
- Week 3. (21 Jan) Multiple
Mass-Market Applications as Components [Presenter: Miryung Kim]
David Coppit, and Kevin Sullivan in Proceedings of the 22nd International
Conference on Software Engineering, pages 273-82, Limerick, Ireland, 4-11
June 2000. IEEE (PDF)
Galileo Project: Package-Oriented Programming (Optional) (Link)
Package-Oriented Programming of Engineering Tools (Optional) (Link)
- ICSE 2000 Presentation
- Week 4. (28 Jan)
Achieving extensibility through product-lines and domain-specific
languages: a case study [Presenter: Andrei Alexandrescu, Sorin
Lerner, Michael Noth]
Don Batory, Clay Johnson, Bob Macdonald, and Dale Von Heeder ACM
Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM), April 2002 (PDF)
- Week 5. (4 Feb) Specification
Matching of Software Components [Presenter: Keunwoo Lee, Stavan Parikh]
A. M. Zaremski and J. M. Wing in Proceedings of ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the
Foundations of Software Engineering, October 1995 (PDF)
- Week 6. (11 Feb) Formal
Modeling of the Enterprise JavaBeans Component Integration Framework [Presenter:
Will Portnoy and Mark Seigle]
Joao Pedro Sousa and David Garlan, Information & Software Technology
43(3): 171-188 (2001) (PDF)
- Week 7. (18 Feb) Clemens
Szyperski Talk: Component Specification and Testing
- Week 8. (25 Feb)
Affiliate Meeting
- Week 9. (4 Mar) Avoiding
Packaging Mismatch with Flexible Packaging [Presenter: Eric Lemar]
Robert DeLine in Proceedings of International Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE '99), pp. 97-106, 1999 (PDF)
Architectural Issues in Software Reuse: It's Not Just the Functionality,
It's the Packaging, Mary Shaw in Proceedings IEEE symposium on Software
Reusability, April 1995 (Optional, PDF)
- Week 10. (11 Mar) Component Quality Assurance Paper [Presenter: Tao
Xie, Andrew Petersen]
Required: Using Component Metacontents to Support the Regression Testing of
Component-Based Software. Alessandro Orso, Mary Jean Harrold, David
Rosenblum, Gregg Rothermel, Mary Lou Soffa, Hyunsook Do, Proceedings of the
IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2001). November
2001, Florence, Italy, pp. 716-725.(PDF)
Optional: Component Metadata for Software
Engineering Tasks. Alessandro Orso, Mary Jean Harrold, and David Rosenblum,
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Engineering Distributed
Objects (EDO 2000), LNCS Vol. 1999, Springer November 2000, Davis, CA, USA,
pp. 129-144.(PDF)
More Topics in Component Based
Software Engineering :
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA 98195-2350
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX
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