This quarter we will read discuss classical papers from a variety of HCI subfields.
Each week will feature a paper utilizing an HCI method and two people will be asigned as primary discussion leaders (responsible for selecting the paper, putting together a presentation on the paper, and sending out reminder emails about the current week's paper). 3-4 people will be assigned as secondary discussion leaders. Those 3-4 people should fully read the paper and be prepared to lead a discussion on the paper within a small group. The rest of the attendees are not expected to read the paper (unless they want to). Those registered should sign up as a secondary discussion leader ~once per quarter and as a primary discussion leader ~every other quarter. If not signed up as a primary discussion leader in a quarter, students should sign up as a secondary discussion leader twice. We will be using several systems to faciliate discussion including Google Docs, email threads and/or Slack. Please use the discussion system designated by the primary leader of that week.
Lunch will be served at noon. The room is available from 11:30. Presentations will begin at 12:10pm sharp. We hope people come before class and socialize a bit before the discussion.