CSE 590h HCI/Interactive Systems Seminar
(Spring '16)
This quarter we will discuss a cross section of HCI/Interaction topics selecting a prominent and recent paper from that area to read.
Each week will feature a different subject and two people will be asigned as discuession leads (responsible for selecting a paper and reminding everyone to read it). Canvas board post for this quarter should be questions rather than comments and we will leave discuession for class time.
- One paper from a selected subject will be assigned for reading for each week.
- A pair of students will present an introduction about the subject and paper. In class they will lead a discussion about the paper. We will assign leaders at the first meeting. To stimulate diversity, each pair should not have the same academic advisor.
- Other students are expected to submit a question and few comments in the Canvas discussion forum by Thursday at noon so that the discussion leaders can curate all the responses before the meeting on Friday.
- You are encouraged to read others' comments and critiques before the seminar. However, do not reply primarily to those responses in the thread. Save your responses for discussing in the seminar so that we have high quality discussion.
Lunch will be served at noon. We will start discussing at 12:15pm. We hope people come at noon and socialize a bit before the discussion.
Organizational Meeting
- Subject: HRI/Virtual Agents
- Selected Paper: Design and Evaluation of a Peripheral Robotic Conversation Companion Hoffman et al. – link
Yvonne & Daniel
- Subject: Crazy
- Selected Paper: ChameleonMaks: Embodied Physical and Social Telepresence using Human Surrogates Kana Misawa & Jun Rekimoto - link - follow up work
Dom & Younghoon
- Subject: VR / AR
- A Dose of Reality: Overcoming Usability Challenges in VR Head-Mounted Displays McGill et al. - link
Alex F.
- Subject: Accessibility
- Selected Paper: The gest-rest: a pressure-sensitive chairable input pad for power wheelchair armrests Carrington, Hurst, Kane - link
Alex M. & Ravi
- Subject: FAB
- Selected Paper: HapticPrint: Designing Feel Aeshetics for Digital Fabrication Toerres et al. - link
CHI Week!
- Subject: Conference Reports
Trevor & Aditya
- Subject: ICTD
- Selected Paper: Job opportunities through entertainment: virally spread speech-based services for low-literate users Raza et al. - link
Ham & Yea-Seul
- Subject: Social, not crowd
- Selected Paper: Piggyback Prototyping: Using Existing, Large-Scale Social Computing Systems To Prototype New Ones Catherine Grevet and eric Gilbert - link
Last Day of Classes
- Food But No Paper