CSE 590H - Winter 2005 Schedule

CSE 590H Winter Quarter home page

When easily available, we've linked to publicly accessible versions of the papers; otherwise the link will be to the ACM Digital Library.  UW has a site license for this library.  From machines on the campus network or dialed in via the C&C modems, you can follow the links without further ado.  From off-campus, connect to the ACM Digital Library via the UW Libraries Proxy Server, then paste the URL for the paper into the web form.

Presenters: the faculty mentor for each presentation is listed - please discuss your presentation with the faculty member in advance.  Thanks!

January 4: Organizational

January 11: Cell Phone Input

January 18: Manipulating Space

January 25: CSCW and Software Engineering

February 1: Context Awareness and Sound

February 8: Ubicomp in the Home

February 15: Shared Displays

February 22: Steerable Interfaces

March 1: Evaluation Methods

March 8: Visualization