CSE 590B - Graphics Seminar

Instructors:    Aseem Agarwala and Dan Goldman
Time:              Wednesdays 3:30 - 5:00
Place:               EE1 037

Course announcement


topic organizer presenters paper(s)
10/6 10/13 Physical simulation for animation Adrien Treuille Chandrika & Seth BD-Tree: Output-Sensitive Collision Detection for Reduced Deformable Models, Target-Driven Smoke Animation
10/13 10/27 Video Editing Dan Goldman Jeff Bigham, Jue Wang Space-Time Video Completion (CVPR 2004)
Video Matching (Siggraph 2004)
10/27 11/03 Character animation Karen Liu Ian Simon, Jia-Chi Wu, Kevin Wampler Synthesizing Physically Realistic Human Motion in Low-Dimensional, Behavior-Specific Spaces

Automated Extraction and Parameterization of Motions in Large Data Sets
11/03 11/10 Digital photography Aseem Agarwala Pravin Bhat, Lincoln Ritter, Evan Schrier GrabCut - Interactive ForegroundExtraction using Iterated Graph Cuts (PDF)
Colorization using Optimization (PDF)
1-Page Sketch: Automatic Image Retargeting (supplemental figure)
11/10 11/17 Computer vision Steve Seitz Colin Zheng, Jiun-Hung Chen, David Bargeron The World in an Eye
(Supplementary reading: Eyes for Relighting)
Radiometric Calibration from a Single Image
11/17 12/01 Hair & Fur Dan Goldman Mira Dontcheva, Craig Prince, Noah Snavely Interactive Multiresolution Hair Modeling and Editing
Adaptive Wisp Tree
Homework Assignment! Hair and Fur in Maya.
12/01 12/08 Mesh Analogies Brett Allen Wil Li, Lillian Kittredge, Yongjoon Lee Cross-Parameterization and Compatible Remeshing of 3D Models, Deformation Transfer for Triangle Meshes

There will be no class held on 10/20 and 11/24.

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