CSE 590B - Graphics Seminar

Instructors:    Brian Curless, Zoran Popovic, David Salesin, and Steve Seitz
Time:                Wednesdays 3:30 - 5:00
MEB 237

Computer graphics is a truly wide-ranging discipline, encompassing areas as diverse as human perception, physics, animation, hardware architectures, numerical methods, geometry, image processing, natural phenomena, illustration, and art.  In this seminar, we'll look at a wide range of these subjects as we review the papers of SIGGRAPH 2001, the premier computer graphics conference, which many of us attended this past summer.

As we have done for the past couple of years, we will use a "pipelined" approach for the seminar.  Each session will be divided into two parts: an hour-long "activity" (introduced the previous week), followed by a half-hour presentation introducing a new SIGGRAPH paper and an activity for the following week.  The paper presentation might also include a (short) overview of the research area and/or the presentation of some related paper or contrasting approach.  The prototypical "activity" is to spend the first half-hour of the session in small groups of 3-4 discussing a set of questions about the previous week's paper (such as identifying key areas for future research), and then the second half-hour presenting the results of these discussions to the larger group.  But we want to leave a lot of room for creativity: the "activity" might also be staging a debate on the relative merits of a particular approach, putting together a skit, etc.  As the word implies, an "activity" just needs to be something that really actively engages all the participants in the seminar, forces us to really study the paper ahead of time, and provides an educational experience for us all.


Most SIGGRAPH 2001 papers can be found online at http://www.cs.brown.edu/~tor/sig2001.html.


To make additions/changes to this schedule, log onto ward and edit /cse/www/education/courses/590b/CurrentQtr/index.html.
date topic presenters paper(s)
10/3Sound Gary   Simulating Sounds from Physically Based Motion,
FoleyAutomatic: Physically Based Sound Effects for Interactive Simulation and Animation
10/10Volume & Graphing Li, Wil, & Charles  Reconstruction and Representation of 3D Objects
with Radial Basis Functions
Kizamu: A System For Sculpting Digital Characters,
(For reference, here's a paper on ADF's)
10/17Animation  & Expression Brett, Karen, & Colin Composable controllers for physics-based character animation
Automating gait generation
10/24Images & Texture Aseem, Jiwon, & Yung-Yu Image Quilting for Texture Synthesis and Transfer
Image Analogies
(Background papers: Texture Synthesis by Non-parametric Sampling,
Fast Texture Synthesis using Tree-structure Vector Quantization,
Synthesizing Natural Textures,
Real-time Texture Synthesis by Patch-based Sampling )
10/31Measurement & Perception Chris, Ben Artistic Multiprojection Rendering
Rendering Effective Route Maps: Improving Usability Through Generalization
11/7Images & Techniques Antoine, Amol, & Doug Simulating Decorative Mosaics
Real-Time Hatching

sample images

11/14Hands & Words Mira, Adrien & Evan BEAT: the Behavior Expression Animation Toolkit
WordsEye: An Automatic Text-to-Scene Conversion System
11/28Natural Animation Jia-chiSteve, & Harlan Visual Simulation of Smoke
Practical Animation of Liquids
12/5Light & Matter Nick & Craig An Efficient Representation for Irradiance Environment Maps
Polynomial Texture Maps
12/12 Reality-Based Modeling  Daniel & Jon

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