CSE590A - Machine ReadingSpring Quarter 2009Day / Time: Fridays 3:30-4:20 |
This Spring, 590a will be on "Machine Reading" - the process of extracting high-level knowledge from natural language text, for example from Web pages. Most people know about the work on machine reading which is happening here at UW CSE (e.g. KnowItAll, TextRunner, Kylin, and the work based on Markov Logic Networks), but the area is also heating up dramatically at other Universities and research labs. We'll spend the quarter reading the latest papers on the topic and brainstorming about new directions. Participants may be asked to help lead class discussion of papers or to talk about their ongoing research on the topic.
We will not use the cse590a mailing list. Instead, announcements about the seminar will go to uw-ai. If you do not already subscribe to uw-ai, then join by sending mail to uw-ai-request@cs.washington.edu, with the line "subscribe listname" in the body of the message. You are welcome to discuss the presentations on the mailing list.