Dimensionality Reduction Sam Roweis University of Toronto In vision, as in many other modalities, we observe signals from many more sensors (pixels) than true degrees of freedom in the world we are measuring. As a result, nearby pixels are highly correlated and the images we observe have a lot of structure. Ideally, we would like to re-represent raw pixel maps using a much smaller number of underlying variables that still capture the essential degrees of freedom present in typical scenes. I will review the basic computational techniques for doing this, starting with linear methods such as MDS, PCA, ICA and factor analysis and moving on to more sophisticated nonlinear methods such as kernel PCA, laplacian eigenmaps, Isomap and LLE. Sam Roweis is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto. His research interests are in machine learning, data mining, and statistical signal processing. Roweis did his undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto in the Engineering Science program and earned his doctoral degree in 1999 from the California Institute of Technology working with John Hopfield. He did a postdoc with Geoff Hinton and Zoubin Ghahramani at the Gatsby Unit in London, and has also worked in several industrial research labs including Bell Labs, and Whizbang! Labs. He is the holder of a Canada Research Chair in Statistical Machine Learning and the winner of a Premier's Research Excellence Award.