*********************************************** EE576 Computer Vision Sudent: Brigette Huang ID# : 0035403 Assignment: Project 3 Date: May 18, 2003 *********************************************** **** EXTRA CREDIT **** To implement the function verifyFaces is not a big job, afterall, it only requires 4 lines of code. the technique is thresholding MSE to determine if the face belong to the user. I ran simulations by thresholding the MSE from 2000.0 to 19000.0 trying to determine the best MSE value.  The result is attached in the report. We can see from the graph that the number of correctly verified faces seemed to have linear trend in respect to the MSE Threshold value. The cut-off MSE value between 9000 to 10000 is the best as shown in the graph.  At the value, we do get false positive cases, in the same reason that we considered for the previous recognizing experiment.