Steam-powered Turing Machine University of Washington Department of Computer Science & Engineering
CSE 573 - Artificial Intelligence I - Spring 2014
Mon, Wed 12:00-1:20 in MGH 234
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Instructor: Pedro Domingos (pedro at cs)
Office: Allen Center 648
Office hours: Wednesdays 11:00-11:50am
TA: Daseul Lee (dslee at cs)
Office: Allen Center 220
Office hours: Mondays 1:30-2:20pm


Week Dates Topics & Lecture Notes Readings
1 March 31 Introduction, Uninformed Search Chapters 1 & 3
2 April 7 Informed Search (1 and 2) Chapters 4
3 April 14 Constraint Satisfaction, Game Playing Chapters 5 & 6
4 April 21 Propositional Logic (1 and 2), First-order Logic Chapters 7 & 8
5 April 28 Inference in First-Order Logic, Uncertainty Chapters 9 & 13
6 May 5 Bayesian Networks (1 and 2) Chapter 14
7 May 12 Inference in Bayesian Networks (1 and 2) Chapter 14
8 May 19 Markov Networks, Markov Logic, Decision Theory Chapter 16, paper
9 May 26 Decision Tree Induction, Rule Induction Ch. 18 & 19
10 June 2 Statistical Learning (1, 2 and 3) Ch. 20



There will be four assignments, each worth 25% of the final grade. Turn in the assignments via Catalyst Dropbox.

Course Administration and Policies

CSE logo Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA  98195-2350
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX