Please access Zoom class lectures and recordings via Canvas.
Discussion board: this board to discuss the content of the course. Feel free to discuss homeworks, projects, and any confusion over topics discussed in class. It is also acceptable to ask for clarifications about the statement of homework problems, but not about their solutions.
Probabilistic Robotics, S. Thrun, W. Burgard, and D. Fox., MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, September 2005.
Date | Topic | Slides & Recode | Reading (textbook/papers) | Homeworks & Projects |
Section 1: Sensing the World | - | - | - | |
Tue 28-Mar | Introduction | slides, record | Elephants, End-to-end policy | - |
Thu 30-Mar | Notation definitions and Probability review / Bayes filter | slides, record | Book chapter 2 | - |
Tue 4-Apr | Kalman filtering and smoothing | slides, record | Book Chapters 3 and 7, Deep KF, BackProp KF | |
Thu 6-Apr | Extended Kalman Filter / Unscented Kalman Filter | slides, record | Book Chapters 3 and 7, Comparison, New EKF, New UKF | - |
Tue 11-Apr | Particle filtering | slides, record | Book Chapters 4 and 8, Adaptive PF, PF in Robotics, Realtime PF | - |
Thu 13-Apr | Motion / Sensor models and Applications to Filtering | slides, record | Book Chapter 5 and 6, Landmark-based sensor model | HW1 release |
Tue 18-Apr | Occupancy Mapping | slides, record | Book Chapter 9, OctoMap, An Example Using Grid Maps, Another Example | - |
Thu 20-Apr | Simultaneous Localization and Mapping | slides, record | Book Chapter 10, EKF-SLAM, EKF-SLAM v.s. Optim-based SLAM | Project proposal due |
Tue 25-Apr | SLAM II | slides, record | Book Chapter 11 and 12, Factor Graphs, GTSAM | - |
Section 2: Acting in the World | - | - | - | |
Thu 27-Apr | Deterministic Planning - Search Methods | slides, record | A* optimality proof, LifeLong Planning A*, D* Lite | - |
Tue 2-May | Sampling Based Motion Planning | slides, record | Quality Analysis, BIT, RRT, Non-holonomic RRT | HW1 due, HW2 release |
Thu 4-May | Linear Quadratic Control - LQR/DDP | slides, record | Iterative LQR, Guided Policy Search | - |
Tue 9-May | Lyapunov Analysis | slides, record | Basic Lyapunov Theory, Notes | - |
Section 3: Joint Sensing and Acting | - | - | - | |
Thu 11-May | Markov Decision Processes AND Value Iteration | slides, record | LACTO, TrajOPT, TrajOpt Tutorial | - |
Tue 16-May | Behavior Cloning and Policy Gradient | slides, record | No-Regret, ALVINN, Imitation Learning, Connectionist RL, Variance Reduction | - |
Thu 18-May | Actor Critic | slides, record | Actor-Critic, Soft AC, Double DQN, Continuous DQN | HW2 due, HW3 release |
Tue 23-May | Model Based Reinforcement Learning | slides, record | PILCO, MBMF, PDDM, PETS, MOReL, MPPI | - |
Section 4: Frontier Research | - | - | - | |
Thu 25-May | Guest Lecture: Lerrel Pinto | - | - | - |
Tue 30-May | Guest Lecture: Guanya Shi | - | - | - |
Thu 1-Jun | Guest Lecture: Pulkit Agrawal | - | - | HW3 due |
Tue 6-Jun | Final Project Presentation at CSE2 G04 | - | - | - |