Lecture: exokernel I

Exokernel: An Operating System Architecture for Application-Level Resource Management, SOSP 1995


Suppose you are running two applications A and B on an exokernel. A first successfully allocates a physical page n. B then tries to allocate the same page n. How does an exokernel make sure the second allocation from B will fail? What if B tries to trick the kernel into deallocating n (which it doesn’t own)? Describe what kind of data structures an exokernel might need for bookkeeping.

As a concrete example, Appendix B.3 of Dawson Engler’s PhD thesis describes the system calls for physical memory management in the Aegis exokernel:

  • int ae_p_alloc(int n): Allocate page n. Fails if page is already allocated.
  • int ae_p_unref(int n): Remove reference to page n. If no other process has a reference to the page it is deallocated. Fails if the current process lacks permissions.
  • int ae_p_add(int prot, int pid, int n): Give process pid access to page n with protections prot. Fails if the current process lacks appropriate permissions.


Suppose you are developing two mutually distrustful networked applications on an exokernel; there is only one network interface card (NIC). When the NIC receives a packet, how does the exokernel decide which application to deliver the packet to (i.e., demultiplexing)? In other words, can a malicious application hijack packets destined to the other application? What are the proposed & implemented solutions, as well as their pros and cons?

As a comparison: consider two applications on Linux, both invoking and waiting on the recv(sockfd, ...) syscall with different sockets. Think how the Linux kernel associates network packets with sockets and applications, and whether an exokernel can do the same.

On a side note: if you have done the JOS labs in your ugrad OS class, there is a related challenge problem in lab 6 (search for “multiple network servers”). This is just FYI; you don’t need to do the lab to understand the paper.


Section 6.2 (Table 10) evaluates the performance of virtual memory, using a set of benchmarks from Appel and Li (we will see these benchmarks again in Dune and Hyperkernel). Why do you think Aegis/ExOS outperforms Ultrix, except for prot100 and unprot100? Do you find the evaluation convincing?


Provide a list of questions you would like to discuss in class. Feel free to provide any comments on the paper and related topics (e.g., which parts you like and which parts you find confusing).