
From: Steven Balensiefer (alaska@cs.washington.edu)
Date: Mon May 24 2004 - 10:55:36 PDT

  • Next message: Lucas Kreger-Stickles: "An Overview of Querry Optimization in Relational Systems"

    An Overview of Query Optimization in Relational Systems

     This paper really starts off with a discussion of possible approaches for
    limiting the search space of query plans that must be enumerated. The
    author states that bushy join plans can be cheaper, but may be more
    expensive to generate. Unfortunately, there's no further exploration of
    that conundrum.

     The coverage of staged aggregation was similar to what we saw in class,
    but once again illustrated that some queries will be significantly cheaper
    if grouping is pushed down. One interesting observation was that the
    SELECT DISTINCT is just a special case of a grouping. That was a
    connection that I'd never made for myself.

     The section on reducing multi-block queries to single block queries was
    slightly suspect. The first example was trivially reducible, and the
    second one changed the comparision operator in the rewrite, and seemed to
    make assuptions about the schema without stating them. I don't think the
    rewrite will work unless Dept.name is the key for Dept.

     A few other concepts that were mentioned (but not expanded on) caught my
    attention. The idea that operators should propagate statistical
    information seems like an interesting adaptation. Ideally this might
    improve the accuracy of the cost computation and therefore the
    optimization could improve. The cost of user-defined functions sounds like
    another area of interest. I don't have any good idea how much UDFs are
    used in practice, but surely an optimizer would perform better if it were
    able to accurately guage their associated cost.

      Overall, I thought the paper made me aware of the existence of some
    different methods, but was somewhat inadequate as a survey. Whereas the
    paper by Graefe made me feel like I could understand the referenced papers
    after his description, this one did not. In addition, the inclusion of
    examples with either incomplete information, or worse yet, errors really
    detracts from the paper.

  • Next message: Lucas Kreger-Stickles: "An Overview of Querry Optimization in Relational Systems"

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