
From: L. Yan (
Date: Wed May 05 2004 - 01:38:16 PDT

  • Next message: CR: "Lazy DFAs"

    This paper describes processing XML documents with DFA. DFA
    is very efficient but the size is a major concern. In
    principle it could grow as the exponential of number of
    XPath expressions.The occurrence of multiple *'s and //'s
    are both causes to the exponential growth. But the lazy
    DFA, constructed dynamically during query execution, seems
    to offer a good solution in pracitice, with bounded size in
    theory and a modest size in practical XML data, while keep a
    steady procssing rate after the warm-up stage. The warm-up
    stage is required to construct DFA states and
    transitions. The most striking conclusion is probably
    Theorem 3, which gives an upper bound on the number of DFA
    states, although a bit loose, given a simple graph schema,
    that the number does not depend on number of XPath
    expressions, but on the depth of it. This is a significant
    gain comparing with the eager DFA, the number of states of
    which grows exponentially with number of XPath expressions.

    One thing I am not sure is how to do unfolding (with a
    footnote 11 on page 9).

    In the experimental part, thex data presented here is really
    impressive, but the graphs are a bit hard to read.

    - Li

    This is Unix
    explanatory error messages are seen as a sign of
    weakness ...

  • Next message: CR: "Lazy DFAs"

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